Maintainand manage inventory of products and stocked products, which include stocklocations and profiles.
Completeinventory transactions to receive, assign location and issue inventory asrequired.
Cyclecount inventory and assist with developing actions to correct inventoryproblems.
Ensurethat the inward products and stock is properly controlled and organized for enoughproduction support.
Provideregular management data on inventory performance; Record data into ERP systemaccordingly.
Maintain accurate SOPs and ensured GMP compliancestandards are consistently met.
Createand maintain accurate inventory control functions and processes, ensuringaccuracy and integrity of the stock management system implemented.
Implementimprovement systems and processes to reduce inventory setbacks, whileminimizing costs and maximizing working capital.
Complywith safety regulations and maintain clean and orderly work areas.
Achievetarget quota and any other operation related responsibilities may be added asthe company continues to grow.
Provideinput on best practices, policies and procedures with respect to the others.
Followall procedures in compliance of AST standard policy and operation regulations.
请发简历至[email protected], 联系人: Ms. Song
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