加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科既完美又合法: 减免您的北美投资增值税的最佳途径
既完美又合法: 减免您的北美投资增值税的最佳途径 本人最近听了一个关于投资北美的讲座,与广大网友股民分享: ,按以下操作, 您可得到以下巨大北美投资增值税减免:Potential Tax benefits 潜在的税收优惠 - For the US dividend tax, International clients only pay 15% taxes while North American residence must pay 30% tax -美股的股息税,国际客户只需支付1 5%的税,而北美居住必须支付3 0%的税- International do not need pay North American capital gain taxes , whether you need to pay finally or not depends on your home country policies,for example, in China, there is no personal tax claim policies and framework,and international investment incomes are a grey area in China, which means that you as Chinese residents can potentially save lot of taxes. Therefore, here is both a perfect and legal deal: even if you are North American residents, you can save a lot of capital gain taxes through Questrade by opening account in Questrade under your parents or relatives in China and then asking your parents or relatives to authorize trading authority to you so that you can both save North American taxes (because your parents as foreign clients do not need to pay taxes in China) and retaining trading authority -国际客户不需要支付北美的资本增益税,您是否最终需要支付资本增益税取决于您的母国政策,例如,在中国,还没有个人所得税申报的政策和框架, 国际投资收入税在中国是灰色的,这意味着你作为中国居民, 可能会节省很多税。因此,这里有一个既完美又合法的交易:即使你是北美的居民,如果您通过您在中国的父母亲友在象加泰证券这样的北美经纪开户( www.questradeasia.com, www.questrade.com, tel: 4162276909, 加泰证券 (questrade)是唯一能为中国居民开户的加拿大券商), 将节省大量的北美资本增 益税和股息税: 在您的中国父母或亲属的名义下在加泰证券开一个帐户,然后通过加泰证券要求你的中国父母或亲属给你交易授权,这样,您既能减少北美股息税又能勉掉北美资本增益税税(因为你的父母为外国客户不需要纳或少纳北美税), 同时您又能保留交易权。
回复: 既完美又合法: 减免您的北美投资增值税的最佳途径这个做法还真有意思,多些LZ了!
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