加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科求教国外收入报税问题
我刚收到税务局的信,是关于去年报税的问题。有很多不明白的地方,希望各位给帮个忙给看看,先谢谢啦! 去年报了国外的收入,然后税务局要求出示更详细的信息,里面是这么说的:1. the name of the country;2. the type and amount of income you received (employment income, dividends, interest);3. the gross foreign income you received before any foreign deductions, allowances, or credits; 4. any expensess incurred attributable to the income; 5. the amount of taxes payable on the income; 6. the calculations used to determine the amount reported at lines 431 and 433 of Form T2209, Federal Foreign Tax Credits; 7. all applicable Candian schedules for reporting the foreign income and applicable expenses,( for example, Schedule 4, Statement of Investment Income, Schedule 3, Capital gains(or losses) or Form T2125, Statement of Busimess or Professional Actibities.) 123条都能理解,对于4里面的expenses不太明白,还有就是6和7就更不懂了,希望知道的各位帮个忙,该怎么准备这份文件。
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