加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科拿国内的工资,来加拿大3个月,需要报2014年的税吗?
加拿大和中国之间虽然有tax treaty,但是实际很麻烦。人在加拿大赚的中国的钱,理论上是应该在加拿大交税,然后在中国补足,如果中国税收高于加拿大。你现在很可能在中国已经缴过税了,一般的想法是,在加拿大补足高于中国的部分。实际情况是加拿大让你缴全额税,然后你去和中国政府要回多缴给中国的税。你想想有多难吧。
菠菜45 说:我的理解是看楼主是否税务居民,如果是,要报1-12月,缴税标准按楼上说法。如果不是税务居民,lz要报11-12月的税,1-10月不在加拿大也要报收入(跟牛奶金计算有关),但这部分不存在补税给加拿大。不知我的理解是否正确。点击展开...牛奶金申请时会要求你填2014年到申请为止的收入和2013年的收入(鉴于lz是6月以后才定居加国),实际发放金额,对lz来说,从10月定居到今年7月,是根据lz填牛奶金申请时写的2013年的收入算的。
86kekexili 说:楼主看这个!!Do you have to file a return?You must file a return for 2014 if any of the following situations apply:You have to pay tax for 2014.We sent you a request to file a return.You and your spouse or common-law partner elected to split pension income for 2014. See lines 115, 116, 129, and 210.You received working income tax benefit (WITB) advance payments in 2014.You disposed of capital property in 2014 (for example, if you sold real estate or shares) or you realized a taxable capital gain (for example, if a mutual fund or trust attributed amounts to you, or you are reporting a capital gains reserve you claimed on your 2013 return).You have to repay any of your old age security or employment insurance benefits. See line 235.You have not repaid all amounts withdrawn from your registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) under the Home Buyers’ Plan or the Lifelong Learning Plan. For more information, go to Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) or see Guide RC4112, Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) orYou have to contribute to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). This can apply if, for 2014, the total of your net self-employment income and pensionable employment income is more than $3,500. See line 222.You are paying employment insurance premiums on self-employment and other eligible earnings. See lines 317and 430.http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/ndvdls/tpcs/ncm-tx/flng-blgtns/menu-eng.html点击展开...根据第一条"You have to pay tax for 2014.", 工资高就要报
http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 P panleica 0$(VIP 0) 3672015-03-09#11 如达到交税要求的话,记得要你国内单位出具税单,多没得除少了要补。问题现在国内许多单位帮职工交税都不是真实的工资基数,往往往下调几级。
allenford 说:应该不用报吧,你去年没有在加注满一百八十三天点击展开...嗯,没有,11月底来的。但是我听一个朋友说如果我不报税,就没有办法申请孩子的牛奶金,不知是否是这样
dlfullhouse 说:楼主看这个!!Do you have to file a return?You must file a return for 2014 if any of the following situations apply:You have to pay tax for 2014.We sent you a request to file a return.You and your spouse or common-law partner elected to split pension income for 2014. See lines 115, 116, 129, and 210.You received working income tax benefit (WITB) advance payments in 2014.You disposed of capital property in 2014 (for example, if you sold real estate or shares) or you realized a taxable capital gain (for example, if a mutual fund or trust attributed amounts to you, or you are reporting a capital gains reserve you claimed on your 2013 return).You have to repay any of your old age security or employment insurance benefits. See line 235.You have not repaid all amounts withdrawn from your registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) under the Home Buyers’ Plan or the Lifelong Learning Plan. For more information, go to Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) or see Guide RC4112, Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) orYou have to contribute to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). This can apply if, for 2014, the total of your net self-employment income and pensionable employment income is more than $3,500. See line 222.You are paying employment insurance premiums on self-employment and other eligible earnings. See lines 317and 430.http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/ndvdls/tpcs/ncm-tx/flng-blgtns/menu-eng.html点击展开...好的,谢谢!不过看了一下,感觉好像自己不用报税!但是有说法我不报税,没法申请牛奶金。
whitegret 说:需要报税。和申请牛奶金当然有关系。加拿大PR,没有183天一说。如果有问题可以打电话问CRA。点击展开...嗯,我不是pr,只是拿了工签来这边工作2年。但是小宝宝7月份要生,之前没有留意过牛奶金的事情,所以也不是很懂。
whitegret 说:加拿大和中国之间虽然有tax treaty,但是实际很麻烦。人在加拿大赚的中国的钱,理论上是应该在加拿大交税,然后在中国补足,如果中国税收高于加拿大。你现在很可能在中国已经缴过税了,一般的想法是,在加拿大补足高于中国的部分。实际情况是加拿大让你缴全额税,然后你去和中国政府要回多缴给中国的税。你想想有多难吧。点击展开...听起好复杂呀
new_mic 说:根据第一条"You have to pay tax for 2014.", 工资高就要报点击展开...貌似我的工资根据加国的来看,还属于低收入人群呢
四环胡同 说:牛奶金申请时会要求你填2014年到申请为止的收入和2013年的收入(鉴于lz是6月以后才定居加国),实际发放金额,对lz来说,从10月定居到今年7月,是根据lz填牛奶金申请时写的2013年的收入算的。点击展开...噢,我的小宝宝预计在7月份生,所以如果能申请牛奶金的话,打算生出来后再申请呢。
panleica 说:如达到交税要求的话,记得要你国内单位出具税单,多没得除少了要补。问题现在国内许多单位帮职工交税都不是真实的工资基数,往往往下调几级。点击展开...是啊,国内的税比较乱,。
86kekexili 说:噢,我的小宝宝预计在7月份生,所以如果能申请牛奶金的话,打算生出来后再申请呢。点击展开...原来娃刚在造呀。如果7月生,领的金额是看你今年3-4月份报的税,也就是2014年的收入。
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