加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科BC省府撒下50亿,4月、7月发到百姓口袋里应对肺炎疫情
BC撒50亿,应对危机。4月先发一个红包。现在global News 直播中
comeback 说:个人or家庭?点击展开...星期三会有详细介绍,因为等星期二联邦拨款计划,
映山红素里 说:$1000刀的现金支票邮寄到你的邮箱?点击展开...不会是每个家庭吧,像联邦那样的,说是发820亿,结果一看,你一分钱也领不到。820亿还要你出一点点。B.C. announces $5B coronavirus aid package for individuals, businesses | Globalnews.caThe plan includes $2.8 billion in support for individuals and services, and $2.2 billion for businesses.globalnews.ca
别想了,洗洗歇着吧 Part of this is a one-time $1,000 tax-free benefit for British Columbians unable to work due to crisis.This includes workers who have been laid-off, who are sick or quarantined, parents with sick children, parents who stay at home from work while child care centres and schools are closed, and those caring for sick family members, such as an elderly parent.
沧水 说:不会是每个家庭吧,像联邦那样的,说是发820亿,结果一看,你一分钱也领不到。820亿还要你出一点点。B.C. announces $5B coronavirus aid package for individuals, businesses | Globalnews.caThe plan includes $2.8 billion in support for individuals and services, and $2.2 billion for businesses.globalnews.ca点击展开...没有提任何要求,发这个钱就是说应对疫情的,给BC居民的
comeback 说:个人or家庭?点击展开...没有说详细,财长说星期三会进一步说明。
映山红素里 说:别想了,洗洗歇着吧 Part of this is a one-time $1,000 tax-free benefit for British Columbians unable to work due to crisis.This includes workers who have been laid-off, who are sick or quarantined, parents with sick children, parents who stay at home from work while child care centres and schools are closed, and those caring for sick family members, such as an elderly parent.点击展开...简单点说,你或家人,生病/丢工作,可以领到。
映山红素里 说:没有说详细,财长说星期三会进一步说明。点击展开...有详细如下:A new BC Emergency Benefit for Workers: $1,000 tax-free payment if your ability to work has been affected by the outbreak.Includes people who are:• laid-off• sick/quarantined• caring for sick family membersThis covers EI & non-EI eligible and self-employed.点击展开...
觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。 超赞 赏 反馈:jamy 和 映山红素里 0.11 C ccyyyycc 0$(VIP 0) 8,9632020-03-23#14 BC居民:"白拿1000刀,走,喝酒庆祝去!"
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