加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科RRSP 美股ETF
好像TFSA买美股的话还是要缴税的,那么请问用RRSP美元账户买SPY 或者QQQ ETF怎么样?长期投资还有,现在买SPY/QQQ是好时机吗? 谢谢
Things have changed a lot. 超赞 赏 反馈:nan666, dreamgirl, bbjj 和 5 其他人 6.37 肥 肥嘟嘟 0$(VIP 0) 1392020-12-11#2 RRSP里用美元买美股没有Withholding tax(猜你是问这个),长期投资有钱就买,永远都是好时机。
肥嘟嘟 说:RRSP里用美元买美股没有Withholding tax(猜你是问这个),长期投资有钱就买,永远都是好时机。点击展开...谢谢回复。我也不知道withholding tax是啥
Things have changed a lot.谢谢回复。我也不知道withholding tax是啥点击展开...withholding tax是预扣税,比如你从RRSP取5000元,减去预扣税是10%(500元),你实际到手的是4500元。2. Your RRSP withdrawals are taxableAny withdrawals from your RRSP are immediately subject to withholding tax.If you withdraw up to $5,000, the withholding tax rate is 10%.If you withdraw between $5,001 and $15,000, the withholding tax rate is 20%.If you withdraw more than $15,000, the withholding tax rate rises to 30%.Note that these tax rates apply to everywhere in Canada except Quebec. In Quebec, provincial tax rates apply on top of the federal withholding tax.The hidden costs of early RRSP withdrawals (video)The pandemic has led some Canadians to consider dipping into their RRSP early. But is it smart? Watch to see what early RRSP withdrawals can cost you.www.sunlife.ca
Life is simple, but not easy.好像TFSA买美股的话还是要缴税的,那么请问用RRSP美元账户买SPY 或者QQQ ETF怎么样?长期投资还有,现在买SPY/QQQ是好时机吗? 谢谢点击展开...用tfsa更好,虽然美股股息部份会被扣税,拿70%,但投资收益不交税,拿钱出来也是自由的RRSP投资,美股股息能拿全,但将来从resp取钱是需要交税的买SPY/QQQ这样的指数ETF 不用讲究什么好时机,定期定投就好,有时间的话多观察,逢低买入,越低越买,效果更好现在SPY/QQQ都是历史最高点,很多人有恐高症不敢买,但谁也不知道它们是否还会继续涨,涨多久多高会开始回调,保险起见不要一次买入,分期分批的建仓
171369045 说:TSFA的股息和利息收15%的withholding tax, Capital gain是不收的,如果投资美股是用来收股息的,可以用RRSP账户,这样分红是不收税。但是以后取出来还是要收的点击展开...感谢
Things have changed a lot.withholding tax是预扣税,比如你从RRSP取5000元,减去预扣税是10%(500元),你实际到手的是4500元。2. Your RRSP withdrawals are taxableAny withdrawals from your RRSP are immediately subject to withholding tax.If you withdraw up to $5,000, the withholding tax rate is 10%.If you withdraw between $5,001 and $15,000, the withholding tax rate is 20%.If you withdraw more than $15,000, the withholding tax rate rises to 30%.Note that these tax rates apply to everywhere in Canada except Quebec. In Quebec, provincial tax rates apply on top of the federal withholding tax.The hidden costs of early RRSP withdrawals (video)The pandemic has led some Canadians to consider dipping into their RRSP early. But is it smart? Watch to see what early RRSP withdrawals can cost you.www.sunlife.ca点击展开... 谢谢
Things have changed a lot.用tfsa更好,虽然美股股息部份会被扣税,拿70%,但投资收益不交税,拿钱出来也是自由的RRSP投资,美股股息能拿全,但将来从resp取钱是需要交税的买SPY/QQQ这样的指数ETF 不用讲究什么好时机,定期定投就好,有时间的话多观察,逢低买入,越低越买,效果更好现在SPY/QQQ都是历史最高点,很多人有恐高症不敢买,但谁也不知道它们是否还会继续涨,涨多久多高会开始回调,保险起见不要一次买入,分期分批的建仓点击展开...谢谢
Things have changed a lot. 超赞 赏 X xin_xin09 0$(VIP 0) 302021-01-23#10 在TD 的TFSA里有放一些现金做应急用,刚在Questrade开了个TFSA账户,自己在TD的网上以 bill payment 的形式把TFSA里的现金转了一部分去 Questrade 的 TFSA账户,没有取出现金再存入Questrade,而是通过 TFSA 转 TFSA的形式 。想请教一下,这样转账会影响 TFSA 的 contribution room 吗?谢谢
Chinada 说:我认为会影响,小心罚款,每月1%点击展开...谢谢回复,目前room还没有供满,只是想知道还有多少room可以再往Questrade TFSA 里供款。
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