加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科NEC2-03 Please send me a card
Please send me a card Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. 'Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Every day I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send any cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card ! Answer these questions th not more than 50 wordsDo postcards always spoil the writer's holidays or not?Where did he spend his holidays last summer?What did he think about every day?Did he send any cards to his friends or not?How many cards did he buy on the last day?Where did he stay all day?Did he write any cards or not?
Postcards always spoil the writer's holidays. Last summer he went to Italy. Every day he thought about postcards. He didn't send any cards to his friends. On the last day he bought thirty-seven cards. He spent the whole day in his room. He didn't write a single card!
breathe 3 times, 30 seconds.
3 - 35sPostcards always spoil the writer's holidays. He spend his holidays last summer. Every day he thought postcard. He did not send any cards to his friends. On the last day he bought thrity-sevent cards. He stayed in the hotel all day. He did not write a single card. (48 words)
喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗? 超赞 赏 justin_zhu 0$(VIP 0) 10,0712005-10-30#6 Oh, my God! I haven't finished lesson 2 yet. The lesson 3 is here!
2005年01月24日 HK FN vo:ROW 2005年07月14日 签发ME2005年07月26日 上海新乐医院ME2005年08月23日 递交新加坡CNCC2005年10月04日 登陆费收据2006年01月06日 实际上此时visa已经做好了2006年01月12日 Decision Made!2006年01月24日 签发PL!正好是FN一周年2006年4月19日 加航上海-温哥华-渥太华2005年加拿大联邦技术移民指南,最新的移民要求和信息!我的File Number信[FN] 我的Medical Examination信[ME] 我的Pick-up Letter信[PL]http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?p=560629#post5606293月14日香港取签经验分享!没有附件了,5555555点击展开...AimJJ想干什么?
把4楼当一楼看了。 AimJJ想干什么?点击展开...
喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗? 把4楼当一楼看了。点击展开...
2005年01月24日 HK FN vo:ROW 2005年07月14日 签发ME2005年07月26日 上海新乐医院ME2005年08月23日 递交新加坡CNCC2005年10月04日 登陆费收据2006年01月06日 实际上此时visa已经做好了2006年01月12日 Decision Made!2006年01月24日 签发PL!正好是FN一周年2006年4月19日 加航上海-温哥华-渥太华2005年加拿大联邦技术移民指南,最新的移民要求和信息!我的File Number信[FN] 我的Medical Examination信[ME] 我的Pick-up Letter信[PL]http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?p=560629#post5606293月14日香港取签经验分享! 超赞 赏 K kkk123 0$(VIP 0) 3,5352005-10-30#10 I do the homework as follwing.Postcards always spoil the writer holidays.Last summer,He went to Italy.He thought about postcards every day.He did not write a single card.He buy 37 cards on the last day.He spent the whole day in him room,but the writer did not write a single card.
http://weikefeng.spaces.live.com/ 超赞 赏 小南瓜木头蜜罐子 0$(VIP 0) 3,7912005-10-30#11 Postcards always spoil the writer's holidays. He spent his holiday in Italy last summer and every day he thought about postcards. But he did not send any cards. Last day, he bought thirty-seven cards and stayed in the room all day. But he still did not finish a single card.50 words in total. I read 3 times and the average time is 32 seconds, with 3 breaks.
[URL="http://www.TickerFactory.com/"][/URL][URL="http://www.TickerFactory.com/"]行事从容,低调向前走~~~[/URL] 超赞 赏 cast 0$(VIP 0) 2,3082005-10-30#12 study hard & learn from all of you
超赞 赏 偏偏枫叶情 0$(VIP 0) 13,4372005-10-30#13 I have to do it at night. Check in first.
2010.6.17 TORONTOhttp://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=434791Please send me a card Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. 'Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Every day I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send any cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card ! Answer these questions th not more than 50 wordsDo postcards always spoil the writer's holidays or not?Where did he spend his holidays last summer?What did he think about every day?Did he send any cards to his friends or not?How many cards did he buy on the last day?Where did he stay all day?Did he write any cards or not?点击展开...
Le soleil dans ma vie, c'est une chanson que nous ressemble. 超赞 赏 偏偏枫叶情 0$(VIP 0) 13,4372005-10-31#15 4 breathePostcards always spoil the writer's holidays. He spend his holidays in Italy last summer. And he thought about postcards every day. However he didn't send any cards to his friends. He bought thirty-seven cards on the last day and stayed all day in his room, but he didn't write any cards.
2010.6.17 TORONTOhttp://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=434791 超赞 赏 绿 绿水人家 0$(VIP 0) 6882005-10-31#16 33smy homework:Postcard always spoil the writer'w holidays. He spend his holidays in Italy last summer.He think about postcard every day. He didn't sent any cards to his friends. He bought 37 cards on the last day. He staid in his room all day, but he didn't write any card.
The following is my answer:Postcards always spoil the writer's holidays. He spent his holiday in Italy last summer. He thought about postcards every day. He didn't send any cards to his friends. He bought thirty-seven cards on the last day. He stayed in his room all day. He didn't write any cards. (48 words) Answer these questions th not more than 50 wordsDo postcards always spoil the writer's holidays or not?Where did he spend his holidays last summer?What did he think about every day?Did he send any cards to his friends or not?How many cards did he buy on the last day?Where did he stay all day?Did he write any cards or not?点击展开...
2005年01月24日 HK FN vo:ROW 2005年07月14日 签发ME2005年07月26日 上海新乐医院ME2005年08月23日 递交新加坡CNCC2005年10月04日 登陆费收据2006年01月06日 实际上此时visa已经做好了2006年01月12日 Decision Made!2006年01月24日 签发PL!正好是FN一周年2006年4月19日 加航上海-温哥华-渥太华2005年加拿大联邦技术移民指南,最新的移民要求和信息!我的File Number信[FN] 我的Medical Examination信[ME] 我的Pick-up Letter信[PL]http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?p=560629#post5606293月14日香港取签经验分享!Postcard always spoil my vacations. For instance, last summer, in my trip to Italy, after enjoying the museum and gardens, I started to think about sending post card to my friends. However, I didn't manage that and my vacation passed quickly. On the last day of my vacation, I got up very early and I bought 37 cards. Sadly, although I spend a whole day in my hotel, I was not able to write anything.点击展开... ---------------------------------laurence, vous pouvez parler francais?
人在多伦多33smy homework:Postcard always spoil the writer'w holidays. He spend his holidays in Italy last summer.He think about postcard every day. He didn't sent any cards to his friends. He bought 37 cards on the last day. He staid in his room all day, but he didn't write any card.点击展开...------------------------------你的时态有点问题, 如: spent, thought, stayed(以辅音字母加y 结尾的才需要变y 为i ,再加ed. 例如:study=studied)继续努力啊!
人在多伦多---------------------------------laurence, vous pouvez parler francais? 点击展开...Oui, je parle un peut de francais, mais pas bien.
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