加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科Some sentences


Just remember, in a one size fits all world; you will see very few well-dressed people.

2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per day 超赞 赏 harvey66 0$(VIP 0) 1,4422006-07-20#2 All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good man to do nothing.

2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per dayJust remember, in a one size fits all world; you will see very few well-dressed people.点击展开... I am going to try to translate it into Chinese and you can help me if my translation is not good. 请记住:如果用同一标准衡量全世界的话,你会发现极少数人是衣着讲究的

harvey66 说:All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good man to do nothing.点击展开... 邪恶胜利的必要条件是因为好人什么都不做了

Life is our own movieOur life is a great movie, we direct it, we produce it, and we starin it. So turn off the TV and live your life!!

2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per dayOur life is a great movie, we direct it, we produce it, and we starin it. So turn off the TV and live your life!!点击展开... 我们的生活是一部好看的电影,我们自编,自导,自演.所以,关上电视过自己的日子.

Growing knowledgeKnowledge may cause pride, but knowledge applied grows into wisdom.

2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per day 超赞 赏 harvey66 0$(VIP 0) 1,4422006-07-22#8 The invisible first stepThe first step isn't the taking of the first step, it is in the deciding to take the first step.

2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per dayThe first step isn't the taking of the first step, it is in the deciding to take the first step.点击展开... It is not only the first step but the critical step as well.

Eight Days in a WeekA formula: 15 minutes every morning reading something spiritual + 15 minutes at lunch reading something career related + 15 minutes before dinner reading self-improvement + 15 minutes before bed reading general topics=1 full day of education added to your work !

2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per day 超赞 赏 harvey66 0$(VIP 0) 1,4422006-07-24#11 Ancient Chinese ProverbWe shape clay into a pot, but it is the emptiness inside that holds what we want.Lao TzuTao Te Ching

2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per day 超赞 赏 harvey66 0$(VIP 0) 1,4422006-07-25#12 "A Burden is always on your head and a responsibility is always on your shoulders. So it is always easy to bear something on shoulders."(Arshad Ali)

2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per day 超赞 赏 harvey66 0$(VIP 0) 1,4422006-07-26#13 Wisdom Of AgesA ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are for.-Arabian Proverb-

2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per day 超赞 赏 harvey66 0$(VIP 0) 1,4422006-07-27#14 YouthYouth is wasted on the young.

2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per day 超赞 赏 harvey66 0$(VIP 0) 1,4422006-07-27#15 It's all a question of timingCounting one's paper profits is like eating chicken while it is still flapping.

2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per day 超赞 赏 harvey66 0$(VIP 0) 1,4422006-07-27#16 Most couples deny relationship failures by covering them up...this are like spray-painting a dead plant green.

2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per day 超赞 赏 annieyu 0$(VIP 0) 4,1472006-07-28#17 Let there be three men walking together:from that number I should be sure to find my istructor. ----Confucius三人行必有我师

harvey66 说:A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are for.-Arabian Proverb-点击展开... 船在港湾内总是安全的,但造船不就是为了航行吗?! It is as same as the parents treat their children ,we educate our children not for keeping them with us but for letting them go when they are grown up.

annieyu 说:船在港湾内总是安全的,但造船不就是为了航行吗?! It is as same as the parents treat their children ,we educate our children not for keeping them with us but for letting them go when they are grown up.点击展开...That is the right attitude towards the children's education.

2005.5.13 FNHKVO:TCWwaiting for MEone slang per day 超赞 赏 harvey66 0$(VIP 0) 1,4422006-07-30#20 QUOTE: Success, Emerson"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a little better; whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is the meaning of success." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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