加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科[求助] 一个英文"穷小子"的词怎么写?


[求助] 一个英文"穷小子"的词怎么写? (已解决)刚才看"The Apprentice"第7集,不知道为什么一个不当的的措辞会引起富老头那么大反应~请识字的帮偶拼写下~听起来是"韦切/踹斯"或近似的音,字幕翻译是"穷小子(穷白人的后代)" SW感谢~!

所谓命运,就是你什么也没做..仍是错...直到看见这世间闪烁万千灯火,超越梦里所有想象.... 超赞 赏 3 31415926 0$(VIP 0) 5902007-03-16#2 poor boy?

超赞 赏 反馈:bonbonstar 和 benkok 等待ME 0$(VIP 0) 3,8722007-03-16#3 路过

2007年6月FNVO:TCW 自评68分 超赞 赏 反馈:bonbonstar B Beijing2008Guest 0$(VIP ) 2007-03-16#4 根据你的中文音应是RICHLESS.如:I want to endeducated on what your lifes purpose was aboutunderstood why my life was meant to go abouthaving made a difference in me and anyone elsebroke financially but rich everyway elsehaving had been taught about JesusI'll die richless but pricelessand understood AllahI'll benefit from my intentionsand they wont be to gain but rid painI'll believe in a womanmy mother, my earth, my wife, my child, my sisteras I believe in my father, myself, my son, my brotherI'll struggle being anyones keeperI'll pray harder and deeper from my heart to end this way

已获帮助.white trashn.穷苦白人,贫穷白人的后裔 "white trash”, 就是传说中的白人垃圾...这么有歧义的词,难怪他一说出口就给废了....同志们切记,歧视自己也不行啊!

所谓命运,就是你什么也没做..仍是错...直到看见这世间闪烁万千灯火,超越梦里所有想象.... 超赞 赏 B Beijing2008Guest 0$(VIP ) 2007-03-16#6 White trash is a a classist slur, although it is sometimes viewed as containing a racist component when almost exclusively targeted toward people of European descent, and typically connotes low social status and poor prospects (i.e., downward mobility). To call someone "white trash" is to accuse that person of being economically or culturally bankrupt.Permissive attitudes toward this phrase have softened somewhat in recent years, to the degree that some have self-described themselves as "white trash", similar to ethnic slurs against other groups that are permissible only when self-directed, including a genre of rock music known as "white-trash rock". "White trash" is usually associated with poverty; lack of education can also play a role.

不知道 four letter man 是不是也有这个意思?

求购北京市内总价10万之100平米全新高层楼宇,QQ群:375328762006年10月9日递香港,2007年5月25日FN...... 超赞 赏 晚秋枫叶 0$(VIP 0) 5,5822007-03-16#8 qiang a

2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC 超赞 赏 反馈:bonbonstar 大胃贝克汉姆风月堂堂主 0$(VIP 0) 21,4052007-03-17#9 Skint.

超赞 赏 反馈:bonbonstar bonbonstar酩酊长云著彩衣之格格兔 0$(VIP 0) 2,5932007-03-17#10 偶们乡下人终于吃上肉咧..城里人都改吃素了..主流审美和现代思想的冲突...错就错在他不该在奢侈品宣传这集里说这个词.. March 20, 2006 .「白人垃圾」反?雅痞哕?美掀崇尚??生活锾 自帐「白人垃圾」反?雅痞方式滔果日?栗筱雯?久合外????在追胗完美品味生活大??莎史都攘的倪步???在花大遑?偕高雅?髦的家具??小心落伍!近?美?正配起一波新的「白人垃圾」流行文化锾潮,旨在反?雅痞的完美生活方式。 白人垃圾(white trash)一轧,原指美?囔殓赤?白人掾民或社?底?的钙困白人,有歧?意味。美?密趟里州堪诉斯市的米雪?拉?以「白人垃圾?」?名建立咀路商店,?在美?掀起?潮,呗今年?斯卡?主揠?位也把?店出品的T恤见入?馘的顿物袋。 ??者??邋锗?值 拉?以身?白人垃圾?傲。她在部落格彦自费「白人垃圾?咪」。?序入春,她家的慢昭??泡仍未取下,她?檫??嘱手?的技戌一把罩,??便回钷斥?後座的2?孩子。美?市?行湮?者钊重?呃新浪潮。哥?比?大?行湮?嘱?西奈克真,白人垃圾呃?轧?已???掾或钙白人的意思,?起大????生活的需求:「我?活在高??代,只要是??、激?人心、充?生命力的想法,都能???人生欣然接受。」不咿,有?者??此一?潮表示?心。馘州大?社??家哈?掾真,富裕的消偻者花遑扮钙砚邋遢的行?,?哝「蓖?钙人檫心?陪社??任完全?勾」的邋锗?息。 白人垃圾(White Trash)主柳新?? ?定柳:◎反?完美,回???,?钙不??,大方邋遢 ?教?守?: ◎「白人垃圾?」咀站www.whitetrashpalace.com ◎《白人垃圾顿???》(White Trash Etiquette) ?行?模式: ◎多以拖??家(?韵??甚至凌?不堪) ◎衣著不修?幅 ◎?檫??嘱手? ◎工作???晷? ◎打架不?手段求? ◎酒覃晷你屁事 儋料?源:美?《攘盛钅噍?》

所谓命运,就是你什么也没做..仍是错...直到看见这世间闪烁万千灯火,超越梦里所有想象....不知道 four letter man 是不是也有这个意思?点击展开...Four-letter wordFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchThis article or section does not adequately cite its references or sources.Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. (help, get involved!)This article has been tagged since July 2006.The phrase four-letter word refers to a set of English words written with four letters which are considered profane, including common popular or slang terms for excretory functions, sexual activity, and genitalia. The "four-letter" claim refers to the fact that most English swear words are monosyllabic, and therefore are likely to have 4 letters on average.Common four-letter words (in this sense) include: shit, cock, fuck, damn, hell, cunt, piss, arse (U.K.) and twat. These, in addition to at least ten others (knob, dick, crap, and so on), are widely considered vulgar or offensive to some degree.Contents[hide]<LI class=toclevel-1>1 Similar euphemisms in other languages<LI class=toclevel-2>1.1 Group of profane words 1.2 Specific curses euphemisms<LI class=toclevel-1>2 Tetragrammaton <LI class=toclevel-1>3 Quotation 4 See also//[edit] Similar euphemisms in other languages[edit] Group of profane wordsDutch: A similar tradition occurs with "three-letter words": (kut, pik, lul, gvd)[edit] Specific curses euphemismsSpanish: the word puta ("whore") is sometimes referred to as cuatro letras (four letters), for example, Esa chica es una cuatro letras ("That girl is a four-letters"), which designates a sexually uninhibited female.French: the word merde ("shit") is sometimes referred to as le mot de cinq lettres ("the five-letter word").German: the phrase Setz dich auf deine vier Buchstaben ("sit down on your four letters") is mainly used speaking to children, as it refers to the word Popo, meaning "bum" in baby talk. Variants of the above phrase Setz dich auf deine fünf Buchstaben ("sit down on your five letters") or Setz dich auf deine vier oder fünf Buchstaben ("sit down on your four or five letters") allude to the vulgar use of the word Arsch ("arse, or ass").Latin: a common insult used to be Es vir trium litterarum, meaning "you are a man of three letters". The underlying implication was that the addressed was a fur, meaning "thief", although if challenged, the speaker could always claim he simply meant vir, that is, "man".Polish: the word dupa ("arse") is called cztery litery ("the four letters")Russian: the word хуй ("cock"), the most common obscenity, is called "the three-letter word" (слово из трех букв) or "three jolly letters" (три весёлые буквы)[edit] TetragrammatonAnother interesting meaning of "four-letter word" (in Greek, tetragrammaton) is the Hebrew name of the Abrahamic God, that is, י-ה-ו-ה (commonly transliterated as "YHWH", "Yahweh", and "Jehovah"), which Jews do not speak aloud, and protect when written (see Geniza). The taboo within the observant Jewish religion and culture of desecrating this, may have contributed to the etymology of the vernacular "four-letter word."[citation needed][edit] QuotationGood authors too who once knew better words Now only use four-letter words Writing prose. Anything goes. ― Cole Porter, "Anything Goes" The fact that love is a four-letter word has been used in several popular songs, including "Love Is Just a Four-Letter Word" written by Bob Dylan and performed by Joan Baez, and "Four Letter Word" written by Ricky and Marty Wilde and performed by Kim Wilde. A television show called Love is a Four-Letter Word was produced by ABC in Australia. The band Cake also made a play on words in their song "Friend is a Four Letter Word", while The Blood Brothers took their prose in a different direction with their song "Love Rhymes with Hideous Car Wreck", which still stays true to the original meaning.A famous citing of the majority of these words was in the FCC's censorship of comedian George Carlin's radioplay of his comedy routine 'The Seven Words You Can't Say On Television'.

i know lots of things!3ks!chatting is intresting.2008,don't say 88 to us,i turned to admire u,hehehe!!

montmont 说:i know lots of things!3ks!chatting is intresting.2008,don't say 88 to us,i turned to admire u,hehehe!!点击展开... 哦,我也不知道的,只是查了放在这里SHARE.

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