加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科延长寿命的九大秘诀(英文版)


9 secrets to a longer life  1. Exercise  Studies show that 30 minutes of mild exercise a day will increase your life span. This doesn't mean you have to run three miles or start high jumping. Simple activities such as walking, gardening or taking exercise classes will work.  2. Enjoy people  Contacts with family and friends help fight life-sapping depression and stress. Studies show that people who socialize regularly live longer than loners. Interact daily with family members and friends. If you are isolated, make a point of joining social clubs or church g roups so you can laugh and share life's joys.  3. Stay mentally active:  This is very importand—use it or lose it! People who allow their mental faculties to edcline run the risk of shortening their lives through falls and other injuries, and not being able to take care of themselves. Read the newspaper, visit the public library, balance your checkbook without a calculator, and exercise your brain by doing crossword puzzles.  4. Diet:  The key words are "high-fiber, low-fat".Cut back on red meat, salt, white flour, white sugar, alcohol and coffee. Start eating a balanced diet including lots of f ruit, grains, raw vegetables and nuts.  5. Positive attitude:  By approaching life with an upbeat, positive outlook you increase your chances of living longer. Stay optimistic—always search for the silver lining. Studies show people who see life as an enjoyable challenge, rather than a constant trial, cope better and prolong their li fe spans.  6. Medication mix:  As we age, we are more likely to take medications. Someti mes this leads to over-medication, which and be disabling and even deadly. Ask your doctor if the drugs you take are really necessary. Make sure there is no danger of a bad drug interaction from your medications. Used correctly, medicines can help you live longer and mo recomfortably.  7. Volunteer:  Helping others increases your self-esteem and makes you feel like a valuable contributor.  8. Practice safety:  Always wear your car seat belt. Do a safety inspection of your home and put away anything you could trip over.  9. Regular checkups:  Get annual screenings for cancer, high blood pressure and other illnesses that threaten your longevity. By taking care of your health, you are taking the most vit al step in prolonging your life span.

超赞 赏 angelondutyModerator 0$(VIP 0) 6,3682007-03-10#2 This one strikes my fancy greatly.Thanks for sharing.

2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- Montreal 超赞 赏 angelondutyModerator 0$(VIP 0) 6,3682007-03-10#3 Just a couple of minutes ago, I shared this article with an American friend and of course, together with my own comments. His wife is not in good condition recent days for the chronical high blood pressure and diabetes. I intruded him to a kind of magical fruit, lemon, which is particularly good for people with cardiovascular disease and gastroenteritis, apart from other good factors. And I am sure that they Americans have a lot more access to health issues like this one, but it's my concern to him and his family. I am here thanking for the great job 31415926 has done and I'd like to have a word with everyone who has or will read this article, while absorbing the English language, not to overlook or neglect the valuble information contained.

2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- MontrealJust a couple of minutes ago, I shared this article with an American friend and of course, together with my own comments. His wife is not in good condition recent days for the chronical high blood pressure and diabetes. I intruded him to a kind of magical fruit, lemon, which is particularly good for people with cardiovascular disease and gastroenteritis, apart from other good factors. And I am sure that they Americans have a lot more access to health issues like this one, but it's my concern to him and his family. I am here thanking for the great job 31415926 has done and I'd like to have a word with everyone who has or will read this article, while absorbing the English language, not to overlook or neglect the valuble information contained.点击展开... Thanks for both of you. I agree with you .we not only learn language but also learn culture,maagement and useful information.

angelonduty 说:I am here thanking for the great job 31415926 has done .点击展开...

超赞 赏 反馈:angelonduty yangyang2005 0$(VIP 0) 7,4062007-03-28#6 thanks for sharing

――――――――――――――――――06年4月递案,09年6月撤案 超赞 赏 反馈:angelonduty angelondutyModerator 0$(VIP 0) 6,3682007-04-04#7 回复: 延长寿命的九大秘诀(英文版)Are there any other articles revolved health issues to share?

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