加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科请教一句话的语法??
请教一句话的语法(来自旧版本新概念4的12课):But of what human import is all this skill, all this effort, all this energy in the production of effects, when the story, the representation of life is hollow, stupid, banal, childish? 中文意思是: 但是当代表生活的故事都是空虚、无聊、平庸、幼稚的时候,在产生这些效果时的所有技巧、努力和精力,对人的重要性又有什么可言之处呢? 对But of what human import is all.......................表示
回复: 请教一句话的语法??傻眼了!你的问题是没弄明白新概念那段英文课文,我连你那段中文理解起来都有困难!
2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- Montreal 超赞 赏 alex_lz2005 0$(VIP 0) 11,8592007-04-03#3 回复: 请教一句话的语法??(be ) of None=Adj. 表属性So "of what... import"= how important个人理解。。。楼下继续。。。
回复: 请教一句话的语法??LS真识字~偶不懂~~8过偶把偶的书破书翻出来给你抄下中文~"但是,如果影片故事内容表现的生活是空虚的,愚昧的,陈腐的和幼稚的,那么所有这些技巧,这些努力以及为求效果付出的所有精力,对于人类又有什么意义呢?"..沾了一手灰..
所谓命运,就是你什么也没做..仍是错...直到看见这世间闪烁万千灯火,超越梦里所有想象.... 超赞 赏 bonbonstar酩酊长云著彩衣之格格兔 0$(VIP 0) 2,5932007-04-03#5 回复: 请教一句话的语法??偶把新东方FLASH课件上关于这句话的笔记给你抄下来了~"of what human import=what human import is...of(be of 结构)"=>All this skill, all this effert, all this energy....is of what human import...How importent is all this skill,all this effort,...to human...
所谓命运,就是你什么也没做..仍是错...直到看见这世间闪烁万千灯火,超越梦里所有想象.... 超赞 赏 alex_lz2005 0$(VIP 0) 11,8592007-04-03#6 回复: 请教一句话的语法??谢谢葡萄。。。
回复: 请教一句话的语法??Studying.
2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- Montreal请教一句话的语法(来自旧版本新概念4的12课):But of what human import is all this skill, all this effort, all this energy in the production of effects, when the story, the representation of life is hollow, stupid, banal, childish? 中文意思是: 但是当代表生活的故事都是空虚、无聊、平庸、幼稚的时候,在产生这些效果时的所有技巧、努力和精力,对人的重要性又有什么可言之处呢? 对But of what human import is all.......................表示点击展开... import != important In his Preface, Singer explains that cinematic art “is best understood as life-enhancement” (xii). He proposes that since the innovation of film there has been a developing exchange between film and human life, a mutual exchange that is full of impact and influence. He continues, “when we study [cinematic art] for its human import or philosophic scope, as well as for its use of specialized technology, we find that the meanings and techniques in each work are internally related to one another” (xii). Concerning philosophy Singer examines the impact of appearance vs. reality (recalling the Myth of the Cave of Plato’s Republic) on film theorists and shows that film taken as a mode of communication eliminates the audience’s alienation. Through transforming realities film can enable the audience’s suspension of disbelief. He stresses that “a filmmaker can present transformations that not only harmonize appearance and reality and the visual and the literary but also surmount the antithesis between communication and alienation” (xiii-xiv). Concerning film theory, Singer aspires to harmonize the approaches of formalists and realists in his own approach or film theory of transformation:
回复: 请教一句话的语法??喔,那请问2008,这句话的中文该怎么翻呢?
回复: 请教一句话的语法??喔,那请问2008,这句话的中文该怎么翻呢?点击展开...Human import 我找不到合适的中文词
回复: 请教一句话的语法??谢2008,学习。。。
回复: 请教一句话的语法??im·port (m-pôrt, -prt, mpôrt, -prt) KEY VERB: im·port·ed , im·port·ing , im·ports VERB: tr. To bring or carry in from an outside source, especially to bring in (goods or materials) from a foreign country for trade or sale. Computer Science To receive (data) into one program from another. To carry or hold the meaning of; signify: a high inflation rate importing hard times for the consumer. To imply. Archaic To have importance for. VERB: intr. To be significant. See Synonyms at count 1. NOUN: (mpôrt, -prt)Something imported. The act or occupation of importing goods or materials. Meaning; signification. See Synonyms at meaning. Importance; significance: a legal decision of far-reaching import. See Synonyms at importance. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
回复: 请教一句话的语法??看到很多文章讲Human import,只是意会.
回复: 请教一句话的语法??And, therefore, to call one a totipotent cell and to call the other one an embryo or a zygote might be technically correct but it would be to substitute a certain technical meaning for the human import. The human important is if they are totipotent they are both the same.
回复: 请教一句话的语法??This center of commerce and human import had become a solid brazen frustrating nowhere, and the birds with the throngs and their vital occurrences, departed. Every scrap of everything available had always been consumed, because there was hardly enough; the prosperous signal of too-much garbage, which had crossed ably between the human and the animal worlds of meaning to speak of the paradox of a crushing lightness, a success upside-down, was forgotten, relegated to a nostalgic realm of the unreal and the otherworldly.
回复: 请教一句话的语法??ZT The Acting Person: A Contribution to Phenomenological Anthropology The element of nature, of humanness, introduced into the preceding analysis has enriched our knowledge and our understanding of the person as the existential ontological support and also as a living, always expanding, synthesis of the dynamism proper to man, the synthesis of actions with activations and thus of efficacy with subjectiveness. With this element the whole interpretation of the person-action relation confirms its human import. Acting and happening are both human insofar as they derive within the person from nature, from the humanness of man.
回复: 请教一句话的语法??im・port (m-pôrt, -prt, mpôrt, -prt) KEY VERB: im・port・ed , im・port・ing , im・ports VERB: tr. To bring or carry in from an outside source, especially to bring in (goods or materials) from a foreign country for trade or sale. Computer Science To receive (data) into one program from another. To carry or hold the meaning of; signify: a high inflation rate importing hard times for the consumer. To imply. Archaic To have importance for. VERB: intr. To be significant. See Synonyms at count 1. NOUN: (mpôrt, -prt)Something imported. The act or occupation of importing goods or materials. Meaning; signification. See Synonyms at meaning. Importance; significance: a legal decision of far-reaching import. See Synonyms at importance. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------点击展开...是这个意思吗?
回复: 请教一句话的语法??是这个意思吗?点击展开...那个字典不好.请看下面的解释 import Anoun1 import, importation commodities (goods or services) bought from a foreign country Category Tree: entity ╚object; physical object ╚artifact; artefact ╚commodity; trade goods; goods ╚import, importation2 consequence, import, moment having important effects or influence; "decisions of great consequence are made by the president himself"; "virtue is of more moment that security" Category Tree: abstraction ╚attribute ╚quality ╚worth ╚value ╚importance ╚significance ╚consequence, import, moment ╚hell to pay╚matter3 significance, import, implication a meaning that is not expressly stated but can be inferred; "the significance of his remark became clear only later"; "the expectation was spread both by word and by implication" Category Tree: psychological feature ╚cognition; knowledge; noesis ╚content; cognitive content; mental object ╚idea; thought ╚meaning; substance ╚significance, import, implication4 meaning, significance, signification, import the message that is intended or expressed or signified; "what is the meaning of this sentence"; "the significance of a red traffic light"; "the signification of Chinese characters"; "the import of his announcement was ambigtuous" Category Tree: abstraction ╚relation ╚social relation ╚communication ╚message; content; subject matter; substance ╚meaning, significance, signification, import ╚intent; purport; spirit╚effect; essence; burden; core; gist╚referent╚intension; connotation╚sense; signified╚symbolization; symbolisation╚grammatical meaning╚lexical meaning5 import, importee an imported person brought from a foreign country; "the lead role was played by an import from Sweden"; "they are descendants of indentured importees" Category Tree: entity ╚object; physical object ╚living thing; animate thing ╚organism; being ╚person; individual; someone; somebody; mortal; human; soul ╚traveler; traveller ╚foreigner; alien; noncitizen; outlander ╚import, importeeBverb1 spell, import indicate or signify; "I'm afraid this spells trouble!" Category Tree: act; move ╚interact ╚communicate; intercommunicate ╚convey; impart ╚mean; intend ╚spell, import2 import bring in from abroad Category Tree: trade; merchandise ╚import ╚smuggleLook up "import" at Merriam-WebsterLook up "import" at dictionary.com Forum discussions with the word(s) 'import' in the title:importance, import?For any questions about this word or definition:Ask in the forums yourself.Visit the English Only Forum.See Also:imploringimploringlyimplosionimplosion therapyimplyimpoliteimpolitelyimpolitenessimpoliticimponderableimportimportanceimportantimportant-lookingimportantlyimportant personimportationimport barrierimport creditimport dutyimported Links:Search Tips.Forums.Support WR.Link to WR.Suggestions.Copyright © 2007 WordReference.com
回复: 请教一句话的语法??ZT The Acting Person: A Contribution to Phenomenological Anthropology The element of nature, of humanness, introduced into the preceding analysis has enriched our knowledge and our understanding of the person as the existential ontological support and also as a living, always expanding, synthesis of the dynamism proper to man, the synthesis of actions with activations and thus of efficacy with subjectiveness. With this element the whole interpretation of the person-action relation confirms its human import. Acting and happening are both human insofar as they derive within the person from nature, from the humanness of man.点击展开... 我觉得你找到了注解!
回复: 请教一句话的语法??隐隐约约懂了,但是还是说不出来啥意思。。。汗,哪位中文好的解释一下。。。
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