加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科请教单词 热水棒


热水棒 怎么说?觉得自己在下面用得不对.The last night, I have a dreadful dream.In the dream, I was using my computer, my immersion heater(stick), and maybe the electric cooker at the same time in my dormitory. All the power pins were in the same electrical outlet. It's not convenient. I reinserted the power pin of the heater everal times. Then I saw the outlet was distorted because it became too hot. It was smoking .I pulled out the power pin of the heater. But the outlet was still being distorted.It's dangerous. I felt anxious. But I didn't go to shut chief switch.I looked the computer monitor was distorted too. Its face was burnt.It's such a pity. I should not use them at the same time. And soon the foreside of the host computer was smoking.My computer was almost wholly destroyed. I felt so sorry.Now, I think the dream derived from my mental pressure.To achieve my aims, I need to accomplish several missions.I've flet it's not easy. I'd better make a better plan.

Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian 超赞 赏 B Beijing2008Guest 0$(VIP ) 2007-03-19#2 热水棒不重要.写作的格式用词语法怎么写请多多看看.我承诺不在这里指手画脚,请其他人帮他一把.一人改一句也行.我起个头.The last night, I have a dreadful dream.Last night, I had a horrible nightmare.

In the dream, I was using my computer, my immersion heater(stick), and maybe the electric cooker at the same time in my dormitory这句要重写,my computer, my immersion heater不是一类东西,不要并列,太多的MY.让人摸不着头脑.我是能懂的,因为是中国人.老外很奇怪,你同时用这两个怎么用,他想象不出来.一手拿这个,一手拿那个?用除了USE,还有很多词.特别是对电脑.你可用operate, play a game, write something, type something, surf on the web,read news on the web,chat,send a email,make a web phone,make a web conference, make a web video....


Beijing2008 说:In the dream, I was using my computer, my immersion heater(stick), and maybe the electric cooker at the same time in my dormitory这句要重写,my computer, my immersion heater不是一类东西,不要并列,太多的MY.让人摸不着头脑.我是能懂的,因为是中国人.老外很奇怪,你同时用这两个怎么用,他想象不出来.一手拿这个,一手拿那个?用除了USE,还有很多词.特别是对电脑.你可用operate, play a game, write something, type something, surf on the web,read news on the web,chat,send a email,make a web phone,make a web conference, make a web video....点击展开... 我也不给你改,你自己改,中文提示一下,你可用WHILE的句型,即当我在电脑上玩的时侯,我还在用电热棒烧开水(还是取热?).

http://esl.about.com/library/howto/htessay.htmHow to Write an Essay There are many ways to write an essay. However, the standard essay form follows the same basic patterns as discussed in this "how to". Difficulty Level: Average Time Required: 30 minutes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's How: Select the topic of your essay. Choose the central idea, or thesis, of your essay. For example: Information technology has revolutionized the way we work. Outline your essay into introductory, body and summary paragraphs. The introductory paragraph begins with an interesting sentence. For example: Home workers have grown from 150,000 to over 12 million in the past 5 years thanks to the wonders of the computer. After this first sentence, add your thesis statement from above. Use one sentence to introduce every body paragraph to follow. For example: The Internet has made this possible by extending the office into the home. Finish the introductory paragraph with a short summary or goal statement. For example: Technological innovation has thus made the traditional workplace obsolete. In each of the body paragraphs (usually two or three) the ideas first presented in the introductory paragraph are developed. Develop your body paragraphs by giving detailed information and examples. For example: When the Internet was first introduced it was used primarily by scientists, now it is common in every classroom. Body paragraphs should develop the central idea and finish with a summary of that idea. There should be at least two examples or facts in each body paragraph to support the central idea. The summary paragraph summarizes your essay and is often a reverse of the introductory paragrah. Begin the summary paragrah by quickly restating the principal ideas of your body paragraphs. For example: The Internet in the home, benefits and ease of use of modern computer systems... The penultimate sentence should restate your basic thesis of the essay. For example: We have now passed from the industrial revolution to the information revolution. Your final statement can be a future prediction based on what you have shown in the essay. For example: The next step: The complete disappearance of the workplace. Tips: Use strong verbs and avoid modals to state your opinion. It is better to write: The workplace has evolved than THe workplace seems to have evolved Do not apologize for what you are saying. An essay is about your opinion. Do not translate from your mother tongue, it will quickly get you into trouble!

How to Write a Five-Paragraph EssayFrom Grace Fleming,Your Guide to Homework / Study Tips.FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now!For Class Assignments or TestsAs you've probably noticed, essay writing assignments can pop up in any class. An essay is a literary composition that expresses a certain idea, claim, or concept and backs it up with supporting statements. It will follow a logical pattern, to include an introductory paragraph (make the claim), a body (support), and a conclusion (summary of statements and support). English and Literature teachers use them on a regular basis, but essays are also a test tool used commonly in the social sciences, and even in math and science class. Of course, essays play a big role in the college application process, as well. In short, there's just no avoiding essays, as long as you're in school!Luckily, you can learn to craft a great essay if you can follow the standard pattern and write in a clear and organized manner.IntroductionThe introduction is the first paragraph in your essay, and it should accomplish a few specific goals. Sponsored LinksEssay WritingFind essay writing resources. Visit our essay directory.EssayWritingDirectory.comCustom Essay in 8 HoursCreative custom writing free of plagiarism. Prompt delivery!ProfEssays.comHow To Write An EssayCreate Professional Essays That Will earn "A+" On Papers & Reportssmartauthor.com/essaysales.html1. Capture the reader's interestIt's a good idea to start your essay with a really interesting statement, in order to pique the reader's interest. Avoid starting out with a boring line like"In this essay I will explain why Rosa Parks was an important figure." Instead, try something like "A Michigan museum recently paid $492,000 for an old, dilapidated bus from Montgomery, Alabama."The second sentence sounds much more interesting, doesn't it? It would encourage most people to keep on reading.2. Introduce the topicThe next few sentences should explain your first statement, and prepare the reader for your thesis statement."The old yellow bus was reported to be the very one that sparked the civil rights movement, when a young woman named Rosa Parks..."3. Make a claim or express your opinion in a thesis sentence.Your thesis sentence should provide your specific assertion and convey clearly your point of view."In refusing to surrender her seat to a white man, Rosa Parks inspired a courageous freedom movement that lives on, even today." BodyThe body of the essay will include three paragraphs, each limited to one main idea that supports your thesis. You should state your idea, then back it up with two or three sentences of evidence or examples.Example of a main idea:"It took incredible courage for an African American woman to make such a bold stance in 1955 Alabama."Offer evidence to support this statement:"This act took place in an era when African Americans could be arrested and face severe retribution for comitting the most trivial acts of defiance."Include a few more supporting statements with further evidence, then use transition words to lead to the following paragraph. Sample transition words:moreoverin facton the wholefurthermoreas a resultsimply putfor this reasonsimilarlylikewiseit follows thatnaturallyby comparisonsurelyyetThe fifth paragraph will be your conclusion.ConclusionThe final paragraph will summarize your main points and re-assert your main claim. It should point out your main points, but should not repeat specific examples.Once you complete the first draft of your essay, it's a good idea to re-visit the thesis statement in your first paragraph. Read your essay to see if it flows well. You might find that the supporting paragraphs are strong, but they don't address the exact focus of your thesis. Simply re-write your thesis sentence to fit your body and summary more exactly.By doing this, you will ensure that every sentence in your essay supports, proves, or reflects your thesis.


――――――――――――――――――06年4月递案,09年6月撤案热水棒不重要.写作的格式用词语法怎么写请多多看看.我承诺不在这里指手画脚,请其他人帮他一把.一人改一句也行.我起个头.The last night, I have a dreadful dream.Last night, I had a horrible nightmare.点击展开...Thank you so much for you hlep.I will check and correct it.

Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian热水棒 怎么说?觉得自己在下面用得不对.The last night, I have a dreadful dream.In the dream, I was using my computer, my immersion heater(stick), and maybe the electric cooker at the same time in my dormitory. All the power pins were in the same electrical outlet. It's not convenient. I reinserted the power pin of the heater everal times. Then I saw the outlet was distorted because it became too hot. It was smoking .I pulled out the power pin of the heater. But the outlet was still being distorted.It's dangerous. I felt anxious. But I didn't go to shut chief switch.I looked the computer monitor was distorted too. Its face was burnt.It's such a pity. I should not use them at the same time. And soon the foreside of the host computer was smoking.My computer was almost wholly destroyed. I felt so sorry.Now, I think the dream derived from my mental pressure.To achieve my aims, I need to accomplish several missions.I've flet it's not easy. I'd better make a better plan.点击展开...Google一下"India travel tips"吧,我记得看到过有人用过“热水棒”,具体我忘了。BTW,去印度还真要带上热水棒或电热杯。

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