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I would ask my former colleague to write reference letter , but they are all chinese and they don't know how to write a good reference letter, so I'd like to send some sample to them for reference.Where could I get this sample reference letter?Thank you.

回复: sample reference letter同事就算了,打好招呼就行了,万一有人真去调查,尽说best就行了。。。不过如果boss是老外或者同事是老外的话,还是写个好。。。

回复: sample reference letterAlex,you dont make sense.I just want to send some sample conference letter to my former colleague to help them write better conference letters.The potential employer does need those letters.

回复: sample reference letterSample character reference letter written by an acquaintance, rather than an employer:I have known Jane Doe in a variety of capacities for many years. She has been my daughter's riding instructor for the past several years. In addition, she is my partner in a small business where she is responsible for writing and editing articles and website content. Jane is organized, efficient, extremely competent, and has an excellent rapport with people of all ages. Her communication skills, both written and verbal, are excellent.In summary, I highly recommend Jane for any position or endeavor that she may seek to pursue. She will be a valuable asset for any organization.If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely,John Smith===========

回复: sample reference letterReference Letter Template for EmploymentThis reference letter template shows the format of a typical reference letter. A reference letter should provide information on who you are, your connection with the person you are recommending, why they are qualified and the specific skills they have. In addition, contact information for follow-up should be provided. The following reference letter format is appropriate for an employment reference, as well as a reference for graduate school.Use this reference letter template as a guide for writing your own reference letters (review samples), making sure all relevant information is included.Reference Letter Template SalutationIf you are writing a personal letter of reference, include a salutation (Dear Dr. Smith, Dear Mr. Jones, etc.). If you are writing a general letter, say "To Whom it May Concern" or simply don't include a salvation. Paragraph 1The first paragraph of the reference letter template explains your connection to the person you are recommending, including how you know them, and why you are qualified to write a reference letter to recommend employment or graduate school. Paragraph 2The second paragraph of the reference letter template contains specific information on the person you are writing about, including why they are qualified, what they can contribute, and why you are providing a reference letter. If necessary, use more than one paragraph to provide details.Paragraph 3When writing a specific letter referring a candidate for a particular job opening, the reference letter template will include information on how the person's skills match the position they are applying for. Ask for a copy of the job posting and a copy of the person's resume so you can target your reference letter accordingly. SummaryThis section of the reference letter template contains a brief summary of why are you are recommending the person. State that you "highly recommend" the person or you "recommend without reservation" or something similar. ConclusionThe concluding paragraph of the reference letter template contains an offer to provide more information. Include a phone number within the paragraph,include the phone number and email address in the return address section of your letter, or in your signature. Sincerely, Writer NameTitle===========

回复: sample reference letterSample Reference Letter from a Manager / Supervisor This sample reference letter is from a manager who has been transferred. The employee asked for a letter for her files so she wouldn't have to track him down for a reference letter in the future.=========== To Whom it May Concern: Jane Doe has worked for me as a Merchandiser Supervisor for the past two years. While under my supervision, her responsibilities have included hiring, training, and supervising store service personnel. She has established an outstanding rapport with store managers and owners. Her ability to get work done through the service personnel has been outstanding. Jane is highly respected by the people who work under her supervision, she is organized, thorough in her paperwork, and is always on time. Jane has done an excellent job and I would highly recommend her for a position with your organization. Please let me know if I can provide you with any further information. Respectfully, John SmithTitleCompanyAddressPhoneEmail===========

回复: sample reference letter如此这般,那本来到手的工作也会丢了!

回复: sample reference letter不要请中国人做REFERENCE,因为语言的问题.照抄样本,很容易被人看出假的.

回复: sample reference letter感谢各位,有两个同事按照那个sample写了,另一个女同事写了非常好的英文推荐信(特地找个英语好的同事),agent 看了非常满意! 已经大功告成! 有空请大家吃饭!

回复: sample reference letter噢,给agent的没关系。。。

回复: sample reference letter有的雇主会打电话确认.

回复: sample reference letter有的雇主会发一些很专门的问题让REFERENCE回答.

回复: sample reference letter是给雇主的,基本搞定。我跟同事关系很好,他要打电话问无所谓。我所在公司都是知名企业,从邮箱地址就能看出来。谢谢各位!祝08兄一切顺利!将来有机会到美国找你。

回复: sample reference letter是给雇主的,基本搞定。我跟同事关系很好,他要打电话问无所谓。我所在公司都是知名企业,从邮箱地址就能看出来。谢谢各位!祝08兄一切顺利!将来有机会到美国找你。点击展开... 祝你顺利.多交几个老外同事.我就是全请老外做REFERENCE.特别是女性,资深的,比较好.

回复: sample reference letter我以前在中国,几乎全是中国人。有个印度上司在我离开后也回印度了,另外team leader是美籍华人女士。等我这边工作找好,肯定大部分是西人了。谢谢你的提醒!

回复: sample reference letter请问 hunterintoronto:让原雇主开一份reference letter原件就可以了,是吗?找工作时,是否就提供reference letter的复印件即可?

回复: sample reference letter你还在上海阿?其实没必要来之前就搞,到时候请你的同事发邮件或者传真就可以了。我原来在外企,所以国际长途都不要钱。不过这次我只请他们发邮件了,然后转发给雇主就可以了。

回复: sample reference letter我在国内进外企的时候他们要求提供reference contact(联系人)。主要是验证一下你简历的真实性,电话他们通常是不会打的。reference letter是最后一步,我感觉也是个形式,有了letter后就可以跟你签offer了。

回复: sample reference letter我在国内进外企的时候他们要求提供reference contact(联系人)。主要是验证一下你简历的真实性,电话他们通常是不会打的。reference letter是最后一步,我感觉也是个形式,有了letter后就可以跟你签offer了。点击展开... 首先GX你得到工作 另外因为你的REFERENCE都在中国,关键是你面试时可以,所以有没有REFERENCE CHECK就不重要了.我找第一份工就没有REFERENCE CHECK,但在这边工作后很多HR喜欢电话REFERENCE CHECK,只有学术单位会要LETTER.

回复: sample reference letter很多公司并不做REFERENCE CHECK,因为要人很紧做项目,找到就算了.

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