加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科大家来写ISSUE吧(目录在第一楼层)


随着我们讨论,引用和更改的增多,帖子越来越不适合观看了,在这里我暂作一个目录,方便大家查找。(注:红色字楼层是最终文章所在.另有一些散砖这里不一一检举了,请各自挨砸人员自行珍藏)( ?嗦:各位写手请不断更新你的原文所在楼层,因为只有它出现目录里,这样也方便各位拍砖修的兄弟姐妹下手 issue第一页 1层 IBT(1)原文第一页 8层 Zznn(1)原文 第三页 54层 紫竹林(1)原文第三页 55层 IBT对Zznn拍砖(1)第三页 57层 IBT试图对紫竹林下手,未果 第五页 97层 Zznn(1)原文 第六页 106层 IBT(2)原文 第六页 115层 小马甲对Zznn拍砖(1)第六页 118层 Zznn对IBT拍砖(2) 第七页 131-140 08对Zznn(1)点评 第八页 141(2,5) 08对Zznn(1)点评 第八页 148,157 08对IBT(1)点评http://post.iask.ca/canadameet/topic/105808&page=8 第九页165 08对IBT(1)首段改写   第11页202(6,9) 08对Zznn(1)点评  第11页213 马甲MM对IBT(1)点评  第11页214 紫竹林(2)原文 第12页 Zznn(2)原文(222)第12页 08对Zznn(2)点评 新鲜(227-9,232,237) 第13页 08对Zznn(1)点评 新鲜(243-9)第13页 马甲MM对IBT(1)再点评 新鲜(259) 第14页 IBT重写(2)原文(261) reference(赞助商Beijing2008)第一页 5,17层 tacit experience第二页 29层 knowledge management第四页 69,75层 codification expicit第五页 99,100层 sophisticated第六页 101层 sophisticated第九页 167-169 questionnaire,survey & sampling第十页 200层 skill与knowledge比较第13页252层 national curriculum 先给出题目,要求对给出的题目(一个存在多种立场的是非问题)提出自己的观点(可保留性支持,保留性反对,全面支持,全面反对或者干脆骑墙, ),并提供论据支持自己的立场。 题目1:The depth of knowledge to be gained from books is much richer and broader than what can be learned from direct experience. 俺的第一篇,欢迎大家拍砖(俺先准备铁锅,别砸漏就行,回头做饭还得用呢),同时更欢迎大家参与,PK(也给俺一个拍砖机会:)补充:俺这篇是保留性支持。豁出去啦,啥也不管,俺这就贴啦(红色表示更改处,紫色表示未解决,盼望大家对此提出自己的见解) Books and direct(因为书通常指indirect experience) experience are the two main resources that we can gain knowledge from, but which one can broaden our sight more (bring us the depth of knowledge richer and broaderbring sb. sth.,后面不能再接宾补)? Maybe someone prefers(忘加s) direct experience;however(连词使用不当,原:while, on the whole ),I (大小写错误)will choose books(或改成I, however, will choose books.更佳). Not only in depth but also in breadth can we get more what we want through looking up in books, the sum of experience from people preceding, than learning from direct experience. First of all, comparing the difference of the depth we learn from these two ways reveals a book, especially a professional book, teaches us a(没有冠词)certain knowledge systemically and from a level to a higher level; on the contrary, from direct experience, what we did is only what we get(just by direct experience only can we get is the just point from what we did). For example, if we learn botany science(没有science,表达错误) from the text book, we can know from the appearance of plants to the inner fabric; because experts in this field (竟将field写成period)have researched them thoroughlly. Unfortunately, from our own direct observations we can only get some general information, for example, data on the growth trends of the plants, since we have no sophisticated equipments and advanced research methods as scientists do.(将08改后的句子和我的句子一并贴在这,比较,尤注意斜黑体字部分的错误Unfortunately, from our own direct experience maybe we can get just the shallow acquaintance because we have not complex equipments and advanced researching methods like those scientists do to help us get more knowledge. ) Then, the same thing happens in the breadth we gain knowledge from books and experience. It is exactly as people always say: everyone's time and energy are limited, so it is impossible that one person can have the whole experience in every field. To the contray, a book just like extending your life, because the(需要吗?) people preceding you have done what your need to do for you and you do nothing but look up the book(look it up in the book?)and take(需要添加it?) in mind. I dare not imagine if we get (obtain) knowledge not from books but only from direct experience all the way, then maybe now the humanbeing is(需要虚拟语态?) still at the p(P?)aleolithic age; because everyone's life spent on learning the rudimental knowledge from his own direct experience, but not standing on the shoulder of Giants. Admittedly, always depending on books sometimes is also limited; Because society is always developing, and only learning from the book, in which the knowledge is all confirmed, (是非限定性定语从句吗,用加逗号吗) without finding new things from your(one's?)own experience will stop this developing. However, comparing the knowledge in books to one's experience, whether in depth or in breadth, the latter can not be at an advantageous position. In other words, the depth of knowledge to be gained from books is much richer and broader than what can be learned from dierct experience. 多谢各位兄弟姐妹父老乡亲捧场,深 深 鞠躬:)

超赞 赏 反馈:zznn123456, angelonduty 和 (已删除的会员) angelondutyModerator 0$(VIP 0) 6,3682007-04-15#2 回复: 大家来写ISSUE吧支持!俺下午要带闺女去医院复诊,回来再研究您的大作.

2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- Montreal 超赞 赏 IBT寻找幸福的秘密花 0$(VIP 0) 5,4842007-04-15#3 回复: 大家来写ISSUE吧楼上好人,俺站起来再鞠一躬

超赞 先给出题目,要求对给出的题目(一个存在多种立场的是非问题)提出自己的观点(可保留性支持,保留性反对,全面支持,全面反对或者干脆骑墙, ),并提供论据支持自己的立场。 题目1:The depth of knowledge to be gained from books is much richer and broader than what can be learned from direct experience. 俺的第一篇,欢迎大家拍砖(俺先准备铁锅,别砸漏就行,回头做饭还得用呢),同时更欢迎大家参与,PK(也给俺一个拍砖机会:)补充:俺这篇是保留性支持。豁出去啦,啥也不管,俺这就贴啦 Books and experience are the two main resources that we can gain knowledge from, but which one can bring us the depth of knowledge richer and broader? Maybe someone prefer direct experience, while, On the whole, i will choose books. Not only in depth but also in breadth can we get more what we want through looking up in books, the sum of experience from people preceding, than learning from direct experience. First of all, comparing the difference of the depth we learn from these two ways reveals a book, especially a professional book, teaches us an certain knowledge systemically and from a level to a higher level; on the contrary, just by direct experience only can we get is the just point from what we did. For example, even like our education, if we learn botany from the text book, we can know from the appearance of plants to the inner fabric; because experts in this period have research them throughlly. unfortunately, from our own direct experience maybe we can get just the shallow acquaintance because we have not complex equipments and advanced researching methods like those scientists do to help us get more knowledge. Then, the same thing happens in the breadth we gain knowledge from books and experience. It is exactly as people always say: everyone's time and energy are limited, so it is impossible that one person can have the whole experience in every field. To the contray, a book just like extending your life, because the people preceding you have done what your need to do for you and you do nothing but look up the book and take in mind. I dare not imagine if we get knowledge not from books but only from direct experience all the way, then maybe now the humanbeing is still at the paleolithic age; because everyone's life spent on learning the rudimental knowledge from his own direct experience, but not standing on the shoulder of Giants. Admittedly, always depending on books sometimes is also limited; Because society is always developing, and only learning from the book in which the knowledge is all confirmed without finding new things from your own experience will stop this developing. However, comparing the knowledge in books to one's experience, whether in depth or in breadth, the latter can not be at an advantageous position. In other words, the depth of knowledge to be gained from books is much richer and broader than what can be learned from dierct experience. 多谢各位兄弟姐妹父老乡亲捧场,深 深 鞠躬:)点击展开... 写得不错!

回复: 大家来写ISSUE吧Direct experience generally denotes experience gained through immediate sense perception. Many philosophical systems hold that knowledge or skills gained through direct experience cannot be fully put into words.You cannot grasp it; Nor can you get rid of it. In not being able to get it, you get it. When you speak, it is silent; When you are silent, it speaks.

回复: 大家来写ISSUE吧LZ,俺一定认真拜读,争取近日拿出作品先加SW

回复: 大家来写ISSUE吧总得来讲你写的很好,英文写作就是主题明确,然后是用EVIDENCES来SUPPORT你的观点.只是有些拼写和大小写TYPO等小小错.经过北美学校训练就是不一样.Maybe someone prefer direct experience, while, On the whole, i will choose books. 大小写,

回复: 大家来写ISSUE吧最好是有三个段落来支持你的观点,那就更好了

回复: 大家来写ISSUE吧Direct experience generally denotes experience gained through immediate sense perception. Many philosophical systems hold that knowledge or skills gained through direct experience cannot be fully put into words. You cannot grasp it; Nor can you get rid of it. In not being able to get it, you get it. When you speak, it is silent; When you are silent, it speaks(这话真棒,透着禅机).点击展开... 啊,我真的一点没有在意这个词,需要揣摩其实确实应该考虑要说经验直接experience就行了,没必要再加direct了 这样说我是不是建立在一个错误的基础上了啊 整个都错

超赞 LZ,俺一定认真拜读,争取近日拿出作品先加SW点击展开... 言出必行啊,我这可记住哪

超赞 总得来讲你写的很好,英文写作就是主题明确,然后是用EVIDENCES来SUPPORT你的观点.只是有些拼写和大小写TYPO等小小错.经过北美学校训练就是不一样. Maybe someone prefer direct experience, while, On the whole, i will choose books. 大小写,点击展开... 偶没经过北美训练 只经过家里训练 ,不写了

回复: 大家来写ISSUE吧写得不错!点击展开... 得到08的保留性肯定 ,我分外高兴

超赞 偶没经过北美训练 只经过家里训练 ,不写了 点击展开...MM,别哭,你不觉得这就是训练营吗

超赞 MM,别哭,你不觉得这就是训练营吗点击展开...

回复: 大家来写ISSUE吧Maybe someone prefers direct experience, however, I will choose books.

回复: 大家来写ISSUE吧你知道tacit knowledge?

回复: 大家来写ISSUE吧By definition, tacit knowledge is knowledge that people carry in their minds and is, therefore, difficult to access. Often, people are not aware of the knowledge they possess or how it can be valuable to others. Tacit knowledge is considered more valuable because it provides context for people, places, ideas, and experiences. Effective transfer of tacit knowledge generally requires extensive personal contact and trust.Tacit knowledge is not easily shared. One of Polanyi's famous aphorisms is: "We know more than we can tell." Tacit knowledge consists often of habits and culture that we do not recognize in ourselves. In the field of knowledge management the concept of tacit knowledge refers to a knowledge which is only known by an individual and that is difficult to communicate to the rest of an organization. Knowledge that is easy to communicate is called explicit knowledge. The process of transforming tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge is known as codification or articulation.[edit] Properties of tacit knowledgeThe tacit aspects of knowledge are those that cannot be codified, but can only be transmitted via training or gained through personal experience. Alternatively, tacit knowledge can be understood to be knowledge that is embedded in a culture (for instance a regional culture, organizational culture or social culture) and is difficult to share with people not embedded in that culture. Tacit knowledge has been described as "know-how" (as opposed to "know-what" [facts], "know-why" [science] and "know-who" [networking]) . It involves learning and skill but not in a way that can be written down. The knowledge of how to ride a bike is an example: one cannot learn to ride a bike by reading a textbook, it takes personal experimentation and practice to gain the necessary skills.Tacit knowledge has been found to be a crucial input to the innovation process. A society’s ability to innovate depends on its level of tacit knowledge of how to innovate. Polanyi suggested that scientific inquiry could not be reduced to facts, and that the search for new and novel research problems requires tacit knowledge about how to approach an unknown. Futher writers have suggested that most laboratory practices, practices that are vital to the successful reproduction of a scientific experiment, are tacit (Collins, 2001). Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi's book The Knowledge Creating Company (1995) brought the concept of tacit knowledge into the realm of corporate innovation. In it, they suggest that Japanese companies are more innovative because they are able to successfully collectivize individual tacit knowledge to the firm. The two researchers give the example of the first Japanese bread maker, whose development was impossible until the engineers interned themselves to one of Japan's leading bakers. During their internship, they were able to learn the tacit movements required to knead dough, and then transfer this knowledge back to the company.An example of the problems of tacit knowledge is the Bessemer process – Bessemer sold a patent to his advanced steel making process and was sued by the purchasers who couldn't get it to work – in the end Bessemer set up his own steel company which became one of the largest in the world and changed the face of steel making.Tacit knowledge may seem a simple idea but its implications are large and far reaching. If important knowledge is tacit, then it cannot be effectively spread through an organization. This means that useful knowledge will not be able to reach those who need it without direct, face-to-face contact. It also means that training newcomers in an organization becomes more time consuming, because they must be given time to learn on their own while doing, which reduces overall efficiency. In order to collectivize and spread tacit knowledge, organizations must invest greatly in the human capital of its members.

回复: 大家来写ISSUE吧你知道tacit knowledge?点击展开...心照不宣的经验不知道

超赞 By definition, tacit knowledge is knowledge that people carry in their minds and is, therefore, difficult to access. Often, people are not aware of the knowledge they possess or how it can be valuable to others. Tacit knowledge is considered more valuable because it provides context for people, places, ideas, and experiences. Effective transfer of tacit knowledge generally requires extensive personal contact and trust. Tacit knowledge is not easily shared. One of Polanyi's famous aphorisms is: "We know more than we can tell." Tacit knowledge consists often of habits and culture that we do not recognize in ourselves. In the field of knowledge management the concept of tacit knowledge refers to a knowledge which is only known by an individual and that is difficult to communicate to the rest of an organization. Knowledge that is easy to communicate is called explicit knowledge. The process of transforming tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge is known as codification or articulation. [edit] Properties of tacit knowledgeThe tacit aspects of knowledge are those that cannot be codified, but can only be transmitted via training or gained through personal experience. Alternatively, tacit knowledge can be understood to be knowledge that is embedded in a culture (for instance a regional culture, organizational culture or social culture) and is difficult to share with people not embedded in that culture. Tacit knowledge has been described as "know-how" (as opposed to "know-what" [facts], "know-why" [science] and "know-who" [networking]) . It involves learning and skill but not in a way that can be written down. The knowledge of how to ride a bike is an example: one cannot learn to ride a bike by reading a textbook, it takes personal experimentation and practice to gain the necessary skills. Tacit knowledge has been found to be a crucial input to the innovation process. A society’s ability to innovate depends on its level of tacit knowledge of how to innovate. Polanyi suggested that scientific inquiry could not be reduced to facts, and that the search for new and novel research problems requires tacit knowledge about how to approach an unknown. Futher writers have suggested that most laboratory practices, practices that are vital to the successful reproduction of a scientific experiment, are tacit (Collins, 2001). Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi's book The Knowledge Creating Company (1995) brought the concept of tacit knowledge into the realm of corporate innovation. In it, they suggest that Japanese companies are more innovative because they are able to successfully collectivize individual tacit knowledge to the firm. The two researchers give the example of the first Japanese bread maker, whose development was impossible until the engineers interned themselves to one of Japan's leading bakers. During their internship, they were able to learn the tacit movements required to knead dough, and then transfer this knowledge back to the company. An example of the problems of tacit knowledge is the Bessemer process ? Bessemer sold a patent to his advanced steel making process and was sued by the purchasers who couldn't get it to work ? in the end Bessemer set up his own steel company which became one of the largest in the world and changed the face of steel making. Tacit knowledge may seem a simple idea but its implications are large and far reaching. If important knowledge is tacit, then it cannot be effectively spread through an organization. This means that useful knowledge will not be able to reach those who need it without direct, face-to-face contact. It also means that training newcomers in an organization becomes more time consuming, because they must be given time to learn on their own while doing, which reduces overall efficiency. In order to collectivize and spread tacit knowledge, organizations must invest greatly in the human capital of its members.点击展开... 嗨,尽管还没看完,因为还是没练成对角线式速读 。但得先写一下这句:明白,可以用这个写个保留性反对的 。然后再看,呵呵

超赞 赏 长 长白山Guest 0$(VIP ) 2007-04-16#20 回复: 大家来写ISSUE吧 没抢到safa 郁闷中

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