加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科【分享】温哥华到多伦多, 埃城, 蒙城的灰狗大巴省钱?
是不是比坐飞机省钱? 国内到温哥华, 与到多伦多差价约 RMB 3000 , 汽车会低多少? just got it, btw, I am a backpacker: http://www.greyhound.ca/ Fare Type Qty Passenger Each 1 Total Standard 1 Adult $342.50 $342.50 1-Day Advance Purchase 1 Adult $200.00 $200.00 7-Day Advance Purchase 1 Adult $159.00 $159.00 14-Day Advance Purchase 1 Adult $135.00 $135.00
from chn, tw, hk, india, japan, asia, africa, europe, all are Canadian citizens 超赞 赏 billpanda 0$(VIP 0) 2012005-06-27#2 above is Vancouver to Toronto Vancurver to Calgary: Fare Type Qty Passenger Each 1 Total Standard 1 Adult $129.50 $129.50 1-Day Advance Purchase 1 Adult $87.00 $87.00 7-Day Advance Purchase 1 Adult $72.00 $72.00
from chn, tw, hk, india, japan, asia, africa, europe, all are Canadian citizens 超赞 赏 billpanda 0$(VIP 0) 2012005-06-27#3 Vancouver to Edmonton Fare Type Qty Passenger Each 1 Total Standard 1 Adult $147.50 $147.50 1-Day Advance Purchase 1 Adult $129.50 $129.50 7-Day Advance Purchase 1 Adult $101.90 $101.90
from chn, tw, hk, india, japan, asia, africa, europe, all are Canadian citizens 超赞 赏 小猪在线 0$(VIP 0) 8962005-06-27#4 这是我查到的加拿大航空公司的机票价格(大约)温哥华-多伦多 16:00起飞 224左右 (注:票价根据起飞时间200-300间浮动)多伦多-爱德蒙顿 10:10起飞 344左右爱德蒙顿-温哥华 11:00起飞 184左右以上价格不包括机场税。看下来,机票也贵不到哪儿去么,可是相对可以节省时间
燕子去了,有再来的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候;聪明的,请你告诉我我们的日子为什么一去不复返了呢 超赞 赏 teresa_wjy 0$(VIP 0) 5052005-06-28#6 UP
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