加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科向rogers internet用户请教个下载问题
由于bell的在我所在的地区只有500kb的速度,其他用bell(adsl)线路的isp也没戏,shaw那样的cable我那地也没service。所以只能选rogers的网络了,但是又发现它家有以下规定Since December 15, 2005, Rogers has been actively blocking, or significantly slowing traffic to and from BitTorrent and other peer-to-peer file sharing clients. This switchover also included older forms of file sharing as well, including the entire UseNet.[2]As has happened on other networks that employed traffic shaping in this manner, users started switching to clients like uTorrent and Azureus that can encrypt the packets in order to hide them from the shaping software. Rogers responded by shaping all encrypted data.[3] This has rendered several low-bandwidth secure channels, such as email or VPN's unreliable.[4][5]这就是说rogers internet是封或限制p2p的,bt,e-mule下载的话速度会很慢,那可咋整啊,大家有经历过这个下载被限制的么,有啥办法解决这个问题?先行谢过
小隐藏于山,大隐藏于室,无影藏于网路。。。 超赞 赏 frank127封禁用户 0$(VIP 0) 4,0402008-02-09#2 回复: 向rogers internet用户请教个下载问题换成比较小的端口,比如4位数的好一些
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