加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科怀孕期间的EI是从什么时候算起的?
回复: 怀孕期间的EI是从什么时候算起的?预产期8周前可以申请,但是有2个星期的轮候期,所以可以提前10个星期申请。我是离预产期4周才申请的,等了2星期就有得拿了,第一拿是一个星期的,接着是每两个星期发一次。
回复: 怀孕期间的EI是从什么时候算起的?怀孕的EI是15周,父母的EI是35周
回复: 怀孕期间的EI是从什么时候算起的?非常谢谢楼上二位的回复,“父母的EI”是什么意思,麻烦楼上的解释下行吗?谢谢
回复: 怀孕期间的EI是从什么时候算起的?就是生孩子后,可以拿到的作为父母的你与你LG可以拿到补贴。最多35周。另外建议先看看相关TZ们的帖子,有很详细的回答。如不明白,再问。
回复: 怀孕期间的EI是从什么时候算起的?http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=152049给你个链接,看看这个帖子就该明白很多了
回复: 怀孕期间的EI是从什么时候算起的?请教一个问题,我在政府网站上没有看到有提前8周申请一说,倒是看到下面一段话好象是说生产前20周就可以申请Maternity benefits. 是我理解错了吗?Termination of a pregnancyWhen a pregnancy terminates within the first 19 weeks of pregnancy, it is considered an illness under EI. If that is the case, sickness benefits may be paid as long as the qualifying conditions for sickness benefits are met.On the other hand, if the pregnancy terminates in the 20th week or later, the claim for benefits can be considered for maternity benefits if the qualifying conditions for maternity benefits are met.以上这段出自http://www1.servicecanada.gc.ca/en/ei/types/special.shtml#Parental3
回复: 怀孕期间的EI是从什么时候算起的?请教一个问题,我在政府网站上没有看到有提前8周申请一说,倒是看到下面一段话好象是说生产前20周就可以申请Maternity benefits. 是我理解错了吗? Termination of a pregnancyWhen a pregnancy terminates within the first 19 weeks of pregnancy, it is considered an illness under EI. If that is the case, sickness benefits may be paid as long as the qualifying conditions for sickness benefits are met. On the other hand, if the pregnancy terminates in the 20th week or later, the claim for benefits can be considered for maternity benefits if the qualifying conditions for maternity benefits are met. 以上这段出自http://www1.servicecanada.gc.ca/en/ei/types/special.shtml#Parental3点击展开...我想是你理解不对,这段是说的意外情况,怀孕终止的情况下,如何计算你的EI
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