加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科请哪位详细翻译一下这段关于EI时间的描述,谢谢
Qualifying periodThe qualifying period is the shorter of :the 52-week period immediately before the start date of a claim, orthe period since the start of a previous EI claim if that claim had started during the 52 week-period.Only the insurable hours that fall within the qualifying period are used to start a benefit period. However, the qualifying period may be extended up to 104 weeks if you were not employed in insurable employment and not receiving EI because you were:incapable of work by reason of illness, injury, quarantine or pregnancy; orconfined in a jail, penitentiary or other similar institution; orattending a course of instruction or other related employment activity to which you were referred to by an Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC) designated authority; ornot working because you were receiving a payment under a provincial law on the basis of having ceased work because continuing to work would have entailed danger to you, your unborn child or a child you were breast feeding.If one of these reasons applies to you, it is your responsibility to request the extension of your qualifying period and to provide all supporting documents.top
回复: 请哪位详细翻译一下这段关于EI时间的描述,谢谢原文很清楚。
回复: 请哪位详细翻译一下这段关于EI时间的描述,谢谢大意是说假如你再申请之前的52周之内工作时间不够600小时,且是因为疾病、入狱或者怀孕等导致你不能继续工作且没有申请ei,那么可以将你的计算ei的资格时间延长成申请之前的104周满足600小时。
回复: 请哪位详细翻译一下这段关于EI时间的描述,谢谢谢谢楼上的热心帮助!那不就是说在MATERNITY BENEFITS申请当日不够600小时前如果还申请了SICKNESS BENEFITS就不能用104周计算了吗?如果想用104周但是是因为身体原因不能上班,就只有在家里呆着什么都不申请吗?
回复: 请哪位详细翻译一下这段关于EI时间的描述,谢谢谢谢楼上的热心帮助!那不就是说在MATERNITY BENEFITS申请当日不够600小时前如果还申请了SICKNESS BENEFITS就不能用104周计算了吗?如果想用104周但是是因为身体原因不能上班,就只有在家里呆着什么都不申请吗?点击展开...不能用104周,但是如果你在申请sickness ei之前满足600小时,而且你的sickness能和maternity连起来的话,可以一起申请,到时候就不再重新计算maternity之前的qualified period了。
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