加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科家园网购物版8月最佳deal poster竞赛 - 50$购物卡
Idea 来源于 redflagdeals的这个帖子http://www.redflagdeals.com/forums/showthread.php?t=602934 奖金和规则也大致类似 (不过redflagdeals是年底多项奖,而家园网是月度单项奖) 开始投票日VOTING - Sep 1st to Sep 15th! Why are we doing this?The Member Awards are our chance as a community to recognize the members who go out of their way to make CanadaMeet.com such a great place!The Nomination PeriodFrom Aug 23rd until Aug 30th you can nominate deserving members for each of the following awards by posting why you think that member should win best deal poster . The Voting PeriodOnce the nomination period ends the administrators will choose up to ten of the nominated members and then from Sep 1st until Sep 15th registered members will be able to vote for the winner! The Awards 1) The winner will receive a $50 gift card for a store of their choosing or cash!2) The icon like below:Rules:Please take this seriously and nominate deserving members. If vote fixing or other fraud is suspected, we reserve the right to disregard the corrupted results and select a winner.
回复: 家园网购物版8月最佳deal poster竞赛 - 50$购物卡因为此次竞赛是8月最佳deal poster竞赛,所以参与者可以立即开始发贴了.另外,因为家园网的购物版刚刚起步,相信竞争也不会太激烈,抓住时机哦。 帮自己省钱的同时,也顺便有额外50$的折扣
回复: 家园网购物版8月最佳deal poster竞赛 - 50$购物卡预留2
回复: 家园网购物版8月最佳deal poster竞赛 - 50$购物卡50加币,美金或人民币?
回复: 家园网购物版8月最佳deal poster竞赛 - 50$购物卡50加币,美金或人民币?点击展开...50加币
回复: 家园网购物版8月最佳deal poster竞赛 - 50$购物卡介简直奏四为偶们欧巴桑度身订制的小红包`~~可惜不在CA~飑着泪去购物版看风景去袅
一个人愿意等待.另一个人才愿意出现...... 超赞 赏 StaryNight 0$(VIP 0) 2282008-08-01#7 回复: 家园网购物版8月最佳deal poster竞赛 - 50$购物卡偶又回来了....购物版在哪?
一个人愿意等待.另一个人才愿意出现...... 超赞 赏 一只大猪精 0$(VIP 0) 1,9062008-08-01#8 回复: 家园网购物版8月最佳deal poster竞赛 - 50$购物卡没看懂.....
图片解释:勇。 *一个人de旅行*偶又回来了....购物版在哪?点击展开... 购物&消费&省钱, 这个版面,就是购物版
回复: 家园网购物版8月最佳deal poster竞赛 - 50$购物卡没看懂.....点击展开... 简单的说,就是在8月-9月期间,在购物版发贴,分享评论自己找到的特价信息 ( 比如从flyer,或者 redflagdeals.com ... )然后家园论坛组织一个投票, 选出一名票数最多的人获得50$的奖金。
回复: 家园网购物版8月最佳deal poster竞赛 - 50$购物卡好像比较适合我哦
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 别总让我提醒,见到我就是该加纷纷的时候了! 超赞 赏 I intomarine 0$(VIP 0) 892008-08-05#12 回复: 家园网购物版8月最佳deal poster竞赛 - 50$购物卡从今天8月4号开始在chapters买书, 小孩子看的系列书其中rainbow fairy和 stepping into reading 买3送1。在书店里面看到有sticker的书一般都有 20%-35%的折扣。richmond chapters 书店地址 Richport center 龙皇 鲍翅往里面走看以看到有很大的标志
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