加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科Hugo Boss: Free XY (for Men) or XX (for Women) Perfume Sample
a freebie from Hugo Boss -- a free sample of XY or XX perfume. You'll need to wait for the page to load and click the "free sample" link at the top right. Be warned, the site is very Flash heavy, so it's quite possible that some people will have problems loading the page. As with most free samples, you'll need to provide some cursory information.
http://www.buxmillionaire.com/?ref=kennyxia 超赞 赏 zhuzhuma 0$(VIP 0) 5002008-11-10#2 回复: Hugo Boss: Free XY (for Men) or XX (for Women) Perfume Sample为什么总说我的邮编不对
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]看完别忘了加分分 超赞 赏 可 可乐戒指 0$(VIP 0) 2092008-11-10#3 回复: Hugo Boss: Free XY (for Men) or XX (for Women) Perfume Sample我的加拿大邮编可以,你再试试,一个地址只能申请一次
http://www.buxmillionaire.com/?ref=kennyxia我的加拿大邮编可以,你再试试,一个地址只能申请一次点击展开...要空格吗? xiexie
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]看完别忘了加分分 超赞 赏 可 可乐戒指 0$(VIP 0) 2092008-11-10#5 回复: Hugo Boss: Free XY (for Men) or XX (for Women) Perfume Sample有
http://www.buxmillionaire.com/?ref=kennyxia 超赞 赏 反馈:zhuzhuma zhuzhuma 0$(VIP 0) 5002008-11-10#6 回复: Hugo Boss: Free XY (for Men) or XX (for Women) Perfume Sample还是不行无论怎样还是给你加望
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]看完别忘了加分分 超赞 赏 可 可乐戒指 0$(VIP 0) 2092008-11-10#7 回复: Hugo Boss: Free XY (for Men) or XX (for Women) Perfume Sample你把地址给我,我帮你填
http://www.buxmillionaire.com/?ref=kennyxia 超赞 赏 zhuzhuma 0$(VIP 0) 5002008-11-10#8 回复: Hugo Boss: Free XY (for Men) or XX (for Women) Perfume SampleIs it possible that I'm living in Montreal?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]看完别忘了加分分 超赞 赏 zhuzhuma 0$(VIP 0) 5002008-11-10#9 回复: Hugo Boss: Free XY (for Men) or XX (for Women) Perfume SampleIs it possible that I'm living in Montreal? check your 悄悄话 please.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]看完别忘了加分分 超赞 赏 最 最爱浅蓝 0$(VIP 0) 1,0792008-11-10#10 回复: Hugo Boss: Free XY (for Men) or XX (for Women) Perfume Sample汗,我也是,总说我邮编不对,加空格也不对,换大写也不对
回复: Hugo Boss: Free XY (for Men) or XX (for Women) Perfume Sample另外,可以申请的XY和MAN分别是什么啊
回复: Hugo Boss: Free XY (for Men) or XX (for Women) Perfume Sample为什么总说我的邮编不对点击展开...同问?
回复: Hugo Boss: Free XY (for Men) or XX (for Women) Perfume Sample是啊,很奇怪,最近几天页面改变了,原来的页面我可以申请通过的。
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