加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科IT数码及移动互联 - 今天收到了大使馆的信,是不是要准备面试了呀?
This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada which was received at the Centralized Intake Office in Sydney,Nova Scotia, Canada. We received your documents on 12/11/2009 and have created a file with the file number pasted above. Youmust quote this file number in any future correspondence. For cases submitted to the Case Processing Centre in Sydney, NovaScotia: Please note that this file number is different than the one assigned to you by the Central Intake Office in Canada.Before your application can be placed into process, a determination will be made as to whether or not you are eligible for processing. If your application is not eligible for processing, you will receive a letter informing you of the reasons for the decisionas well as a refund.Processing timeApplications for permanent residence in Canada in the category that you have applied to require on average nine months to processat this office. If you have not received any instructions from this office within nine months of the date of this letter, you arerequested to contact this office directly.InterviewYou will be notified of the appointment for your interview, if required, approximately four to six weeks prior to the date of theinterview, and you will be provided with further instructions at that time.Section 15 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act authorizes an officer to proceed with an examination where a personmakes an application for permanent residence in Canada for the purpose of determining whether the person and all his or heraccompanying family members, appear to be persons who may be granted entry into Canada. To proceed with an examination, apersonal interview is frequently required. Section 16 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act states that a person whomakes an application must answer truthfully all questions put to them for the purpose of the examination. If an applicant appearsfor the interview without all the family members as required by the officer, then the required examination cannot be completed.This means that the applicant would be found to be inadmissible to Canada as a foreign national by virtue of the fact that he or sheis unable to comply with all the requirements of thelmmigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Regulations, followingsections 11 and 41 of the Act.InterpreterInterpreters must be arranged in advance for any family members who will be interviewed and who are unable to communicatewell in either of Canada's official languages of English or French. Instructions for the provision of interpreters will be provided toyou prior to your interview appointment.Non-resident applicationsIf you or any of your accompanying family members are not normally resident in the area of responsibility of this office, then youshould be aware that there may be additional delay in the processing of your application for permanent residence in Canada.
回复: 今天收到了大使馆的信,是不是要准备面试了呀?确认信,告诉你要审理你的案子了,不久就会要求你补料了。恭喜。
FN: 2007.3.26 S2 : 2008.10.31 ME :2009.3.29 12:2009.5.? 13;2010.01.18 17:2010.01.202010.1.23收到大信封! 超赞 赏 M MAYFLOWER1970 0$(VIP 0) 262009-12-09#3 回复: 今天收到了大使馆的信,是不是要准备面试了呀?谢谢!我已经补过一次了,还得再补啊?
回复: 今天收到了大使馆的信,是不是要准备面试了呀?等待13中.这数字是不是在CIC网页中可以查的进度呢?为什么我每次上CIC查我的进度,都看不到任何数字显示呢?哪位大侠可以给予指教一下!
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