加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科IT数码及移动互联 - IPHONE4G啥时候开卖?
回复: IPHONE4G啥时候开卖?是iPhone 4 不是4G
享受溫哥華 超赞 赏 beautifulBC 0$(VIP 0) 1,6442010-06-15#3 回复: IPHONE4G啥时候开卖?3rd week of july iphone 4, for unlock unit without hacking, suggest source it from HK they will be launch @ the same time
回复: IPHONE4G啥时候开卖?No need to get it from HK. Hacking software will come out very soon after the debut.
回复: IPHONE4G啥时候开卖?hacking software will not work after each update, then need to wait for it again.... the HK version is offical unlock, i don't like hacked version :|
回复: IPHONE4G啥时候开卖?hacking software will not work after each update, then need to wait for it again.... the HK version is offical unlock, i don't like hacked version :|点击展开... If you mean the official unlocked version then you don't have to go to HK at all, they have it here in Canada as well you just need to pay more. It's just when the new mobiles come out the demand is so high that the service providers will try to sell them to contract users first. Personally I won't go for the official unlocked version. You are going to use it with either Rogers or Bell anyway, why waste 500 bucks more just so you can switch between Rogers and Bell? If I want to unlock it I can alway use the software method as new version of OS only comes out once every few months.
回复: IPHONE4G啥时候开卖?you are wrong, there are no unlocked offical version in canada, or USthe full price you pay for those units that advertised @ rogers, telus, bell, fido are not unlocked version
回复: IPHONE4G啥时候开卖?美国加拿大都不会提供解锁版. 你多付500块买的机器是无合约版.就算是你完成了合约,AT&T和Rogers等也不会提供解锁服务.当你经常出国,需要在其他地方待几个星期的时候,你就知道无锁版的好处了,因为你可以使用本地的号码和本地的3G网络,而不需要付高额的漫游费. 当然,还有个选择是不用iphone, 但势必会不方便很多.iphone的解锁会变得越来越困难.因为很多大虾都不再发布解锁了,而只是单纯的越狱. 到目前为止, 3.1.3的解锁一直都没出来, IOS4在6月28发布,到时候看吧.点击展开...请教解锁和越狱有什么区别?貌似可以在香港买到解锁版。
回复: IPHONE4G啥时候开卖?you are wrong, there are no unlocked offical version in canada, or USthe full price you pay for those units that advertised @ rogers, telus, bell, fido are not unlocked version点击展开...这次情况不同啦~~http://iphone.weiphone.com/news/201...a_offer_no_lock_Edition_iPhone_4_218218.shtml
回复: IPHONE4G啥时候开卖?这次情况不同啦~~http://iphone.weiphone.com/news/201...a_offer_no_lock_Edition_iPhone_4_218218.shtml点击展开...seems like you are right, hoho , i guess apple is not gona help rogers/fido/bell/telus to lock in the dealshttp://store.apple.com/ca/browse/home/shop_iphone/family/iphone?mco=OTY2ODA2OQ
回复: IPHONE4G啥时候开卖?香港可以买的解锁版的吧,价格在8000RMB左右。。。。。
超赞 赏 beautifulBC 0$(VIP 0) 1,6442010-06-15#15 回复: IPHONE4G啥时候开卖?seems apple canada is selling unlocked iphone 4 and iphone 3gs 8g now....
回复: IPHONE4G啥时候开卖?iphone4涨那么多啊, 3GS才5000多.点击展开...must be the 8gb version...
回复: IPHONE4G啥时候开卖?听过现在在美国买的i 4 ,加拿大无法用~
回复: IPHONE4G啥时候开卖?USA's iphone still locked, it does seems like Canada side iphone 4, and the iphone 3gs will be unlocked if you buy it directly from apple store with big $$$
回复: IPHONE4G啥时候开卖?iphone4涨那么多啊, 3GS才5000多.点击展开... 刚上市都这样的,再说3代已经降到4000多一点了.....
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