加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科怀孕19周,B超显示胎儿脑部有几个小水泡
回复: 怀孕19周,B超显示胎儿脑部有几个小水泡知道当娘的心!估计内心的痛苦和煎熬! 咨询下医生,我有一个朋友因为这个做了羊水膜穿刺,结果好的!
回复: 怀孕19周,B超显示胎儿脑部有几个小水泡我有一个朋友,B超显示胎儿肾上有一个水泡,结果整个孕期做了很多B超,都是为了跟踪哪个水泡,孩子出生时一泡尿差点浇到医生头上,医生当时就宣布孩子的肾一切正常。
回复: 怀孕19周,B超显示胎儿脑部有几个小水泡为什么会有水泡?
回复: 怀孕19周,B超显示胎儿脑部有几个小水泡如果是这样,产科医生做出分析的.....我怀老大也是这样,说是有几个小气泡,但他说也有可能是B超的问题导致的,因为他根据我之前做的两次血检跟B超结果都表明得唐氏的几率小到几乎为0......
回复: 怀孕19周,B超显示胎儿脑部有几个小水泡水泡与唐氏综合症有关?我记得的那个B超显示肾上有水泡的朋友说医生怀疑肾积水?所以我理解为脑部有水泡怀疑脑积水? 可能我太想当然了,望文生义?
回复: 怀孕19周,B超显示胎儿脑部有几个小水泡水泡与唐氏综合症有关?我记得的那个B超显示肾上有水泡的朋友说医生怀疑肾积水?所以我理解为脑部有水泡怀疑脑积水? 可能我太想当然了,望文生义?点击展开... 楼主说的是脑部有水泡,而后面有人跟贴说的是在肾那有水泡....... 如果我没记错的话,我当时的产科医生是这么说的.....
回复: 怀孕19周,B超显示胎儿脑部有几个小水泡问问amy,她是B超医生。
回复: 怀孕19周,B超显示胎儿脑部有几个小水泡脑部有小水泡应该是没事的,当时我家二宝也这么说的,当时医生说这很正常,一般到生的时候就没了,不必担心。听医生的就行。
超赞 赏 amylaser 0$(VIP 0) 1,8192012-01-05#10 回复: 怀孕19周,B超显示胎儿脑部有几个小水泡<<What is a Choroid Plexus Cyst? The choroid plexus is an area of the brain that is not involved thinking or personality. Rather, the choroid plexus makes a fluid that protects and nourishes the brain and spinal cord. When a fluid-filled space is seen in the choroid plexus during an ultrasound, it is called a choroid plexus cyst (CPC). "We don't know why, but between 1 and 3 percent of all fetuses will manifest a CPC at 16 to 24 weeks of pregnancy," says Dr. Roy A. Filly, a Professor of Radiology and of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences and Chief of the Section of Diagnostic Sonography at University of California, San Francisco. CPCs can be found either on one side of the brain (unilateral) or both sides (bilateral). They can vary in size and shape, from small and round to large and irregular. Some fetuses have more than one.Regardless of their number, shape or size, choroid plexus cysts are not harmful to the baby. "I am not aware of a single instance where a CPC caused damage to a fetus," says Dr. Filly.Dr. Peter Doubilet, a Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School, agrees, "That's one very important fact. CPCs are not harmful, and they nearly always go away by the third trimester of pregnancy."If CPCs are found during an ultrasound, the radiologist will scrutinize every organ and body part to look for other abnormalities, such as a malformed heart, head, hands or feet, and stunted growth of the baby. When no other abnormalities are found, the diagnosis is called an "isolated CPC."The Significance of an Isolated CPC If CPCs do not cause any damage, why does anyone worry about them? The problem is really one of associationbeing at the wrong place at the wrong time. Wrong or right, CPCs have become associated with a severe genetic disease called Trisomy 18. It is well documented that about half of babies with Trisomy 18 show a CPC on ultrasound. But Dr. Bronsteen from the Division of Fetal Imaging at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Michigan points out, "Nearly all babies with Trisomy 18 who have a CPC have other abnormalities on the ultrasound, especially in the heart, hand, and foot." The real question arises when a baby has a CPC with nothing else wrong: the "isolated CPC.">> Sorry I cannot input Chinese on PC.
回复: 怀孕19周,B超显示胎儿脑部有几个小水泡问问amy,她是B超医生。点击展开... 苏而妹妹,如果你指我这个“amy”的话,我不是医生,是个打工的。 脑部小水泡常见的是脉络膜囊肿。 脉络丛囊肿是胎儿发育过程中常见的现象,这种状况常多发于妊娠16-21周,但是有些脉络丛囊肿与胎儿染色体异常有关,所以接受胎儿染色体检查,以及超声复查有其必要性,只要超声追踪检查水泡消失以及染色体检查正常,那么跟正常怀孕就没有不同,胎儿成长后智力也不受影响。以上英文资料也是说明发生概率及与其紧密相关的一些疾病。
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