加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科IT数码及移动互联 - 83 -year-old to take care of the coma, his wife of


wife beating, and I am pleased to three days could not sleep. > Zhang Yaxing clearly remember the turning point in Wang Shu statue was admitted to the hospital's Department of Space 19 (Note: One day in April 2010). Day, as usual carrying nutritional paste to the hospital, he first entered the ward, care workers told him previously your wife waving arm hit his mouth muttering crow for a while. often accompany her to talk about the previous thing, regardless of the willing to listen to understand, encouraged her to be strong, be brave. p> Zhangya Xing and Wang Shu-respect to live in Shijingshan Investor district. Years ago for some reason the death of the son of Wang Shu-respect, and several sisters are living in the Beijing suburbs of the city or in the field, he and his wife had each other. >> September 26, his wife into a long-term coma 2010 year-end, Zhang Yaxing his wife to stay in hospital for more than a year to take back home. >> 2008 to 2010 to see the TV to find pharmacy massage community evaluation: Good wife disease potential truculent, September 26, lapsed into a coma,air jordan, Wang Shu statue was sent to 301 hospital intensive care unit. Accompanied by fever, convulsions, and leg edema and other symptoms. His wife has always been in a coma, every day, and from the hospital, the neighbors could see distressed, he said, November, Zhang Yaxing his wife go to the Department of Space hospital closer to home. Yan Wangye not accept me, you grab me back. The family had never been seen, Wang Shu respect can only lie in bed,tod's outlet, do not know the others. care workers through a nasal tube to call his wife the nutritional paste. Zhang Yaxing front of his wife and talk about family gossip. Anxious Zhang Yaxing through television and Internet to find his wife, medicine, learning massage. Watching TV when specifically Zhifei rule the mind medicine, and on down, buy it back for her to eat. over 1000 back and forth until the end of 2010, his wife home, regardless of wind and rain,British centenarians living in a house for 100 yea,louis vuitton borse, at least two daily back and forth. drivers know me, sometimes my coachman to hurry will wait I. p> >> April 2010, one day coma for 19 months now turn for the better Age: 83 years old now her downstairs sun recalled that day, Zhang Yaxing the eyes red,louboutin, / p> that waved in her eyes, her eyeball will sometimes move a bit. after all,hogan, is the octogenarian, the Zhang Yaxing have high blood pressure, neighbors and friends and relatives for recommendations, Zhang Yaxing a carer to his wife, please. Done two months is not done, too tedious and tired. while, Zhang Yaxing encourage Wang Shu-respect stand up to the bathroom. Sat up and looked at his wife from the bed and then stand up straight and walk slowly to the bathroom, Zhang Yaxing in the side for protection. More than 20 days ago, only leaning on the handle to go, and are now able to find their own path. My brother (Zhang Yaxing) not easy! Zhang Yaxing said,abercrombie, the only idea is to take care of her, let her recover as quickly as possible. Zhangya Xing said, sometimes his wife would be a sudden heart eye out say, > The only thought is to take good care of her, Just to see people Wang Shu respect,ray ban pas cher, still like the previous sister came to visit, who thought up. Zhang Yaxing encouraged her to think about who. Wang Shu-respect suddenly smiled and said, you are my sister. slowly in August 2008, reaching the 72-year-old Wang Shu-respect into a sense of continuous low-grade fever, she ate some medicine,Use Of PDF Converter Article - Computer Articles,sac hermes, still adhere to the positions of the Community Olympic volunteers. To the end of the Olympics, the sicker. Zhang Yaxing with his wife was removed several hospitals, there is no confirmed etiology. night, get up two hours to let her toilet, otherwise they will pee in the bed. I often have to take a sponge bath, stand up, or susceptible to bedsores. Community: Shijingshan the Investor district Name: Zhang Yaxing home to the hospital bus, I sat back and forth of more than 1000. Hospital in the Department of Space, live a few months, Wang Shu-respect is still a coma. Looked at his wife to rely on nutrition to sustain life, Zhang Yaxing anxious. things into Soymilk, broken boiled paste, and then use the thermos fitted,Wide Search Is Needed To Get A Cheaper Phone Article - Business Articles, the car to the hospital. ,jordan, Wang Shu respect can think of some of the previous thing, Zhang Yaxing every day to allow her to sit for a while in a wheelchair. Then, afraid of her leg muscles atrophy, and encourage her leaning on the windowsill trying to stand up and try to stomp your feet. Before stomping over 20 stamp to show their exhaustion, and I let her stick. Have been able to stamp more than 80. . looked at his wife improved, Zhang Yaxing borrowed a wheelchair, he just pushed his wife in the hospital hallway to go back and forth several times, while walking to talk to her. Another for some time, Zhang Yaxing boldly introduced to wheelchair to the hospital,abercrombie milano, their names.

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