加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科Jane的爱心Homestay:接收来自多伦多和邻近城市的小孩子
Jane的爱心Homestay:接收来自多伦多和邻近城市的小孩子 座落于著名的滑铁卢大学旁边的高尚社区,总面积共3600平方尺的独立大房,现在真诚地接收4岁以上的小孩子。一天24小时的精心照顾,一年365天无间断地真心爱护。煮食,水果小点,上下课接送,前后院玩耍,洗换漱洗,全都贴心服务。 学区Beachwood 是滑铁卢的富人区,区内每户年薪平均是10万以上,90%以上是白人,路上遇上都会微笑致意。屋主Jane的独立屋前后院都很宽阔,面积约为6米乘20米,可供小孩玩耍。社区有免费的网球场和游泳池,均有专人管辖,安全又快活。 Keats way public school Waterloo是该区内的小学。没有名校的压力,更多的是人性化的教育。 Jane的情况和她的家人Jane现年25岁,从湖北师范大学英文系毕业,精通中英文。她和她家人都来自福建省,十多年前投资移民来加,他们都性格温和,努力向上。她本人有小孩在家,所以想爱心照顾4岁以上的小孩。家里还有一个50岁的婆婆帮忙照顾小孩。家里有两辆车,方便接送小孩,并适当地带小孩外出。Jane的公公在多伦多有公司,时常来往多伦多和滑铁卢,可以方便小孩和在多伦多的大人欢聚。Jane的老公是多伦多大学Aero-science Engineering 毕业;姐姐现是滑铁卢经济系博士;公公婆婆曾从事教育工作后创业建立私人公司。独立屋内共6间卧室,3间洗浴室,2大LIVING ROOMS,1间运动房,运动房内有跑步机。另设按摩洗浴缸。价钱4岁以上:一位小孩整月在家爱心照顾,需$1350;一位上学的小孩接送等等全包,每月需$1550。小孩每月和父母在多伦多相聚的天数可以以每天30加元的数额从以上数目中减除。联系方式有意者请电:647-921-9388519-954-8328519-722-8850欢迎您!
As you are enjoying life sometimes; you should be suffering sometimes. Be resilient and ambitious. 超赞 赏 athena56 0$(VIP 0) 1052012-07-10#2 回复: Jane的爱心Homestay:接收来自多伦多和邻近城市的小孩子upupup
As you are enjoying life sometimes; you should be suffering sometimes. Be resilient and ambitious. 超赞 赏 athena56 0$(VIP 0) 1052012-07-11#3 回复: Jane的爱心Homestay:接收来自多伦多和邻近城市的小孩子Upupup
As you are enjoying life sometimes; you should be suffering sometimes. Be resilient and ambitious. 超赞 赏 athena56 0$(VIP 0) 1052012-07-11#4 回复: Jane的爱心Homestay:接收来自多伦多和邻近城市的小孩子upupup
As you are enjoying life sometimes; you should be suffering sometimes. Be resilient and ambitious. 超赞 赏 athena56 0$(VIP 0) 1052012-07-11#5 回复: Jane的爱心Homestay:接收来自多伦多和邻近城市的小孩子Upupupup
As you are enjoying life sometimes; you should be suffering sometimes. Be resilient and ambitious. 超赞 赏 athena56 0$(VIP 0) 1052012-07-11#6 回复: Jane的爱心Homestay:接收来自多伦多和邻近城市的小孩子upupup
As you are enjoying life sometimes; you should be suffering sometimes. Be resilient and ambitious. 超赞 赏 athena56 0$(VIP 0) 1052012-07-11#7 回复: Jane的爱心Homestay:接收来自多伦多和邻近城市的小孩子Upupup
As you are enjoying life sometimes; you should be suffering sometimes. Be resilient and ambitious. 超赞 赏 athena56 0$(VIP 0) 1052012-07-12#8 回复: Jane的爱心Homestay:接收来自多伦多和邻近城市的小孩子upupup
As you are enjoying life sometimes; you should be suffering sometimes. Be resilient and ambitious. 超赞 赏 athena56 0$(VIP 0) 1052012-07-12#9 回复: Jane的爱心Homestay:接收来自多伦多和邻近城市的小孩子upupup
As you are enjoying life sometimes; you should be suffering sometimes. Be resilient and ambitious. 超赞 赏 S snowflakesGuest 0$(VIP ) 2012-07-12#10 回复: Jane的爱心Homestay:接收来自多伦多和邻近城市的小孩子父母如果在多伦多工作居住,在多伦多当地就有很多照顾和托管孩子的地方啊。
回复: Jane的爱心Homestay:接收来自多伦多和邻近城市的小孩子Upupup
As you are enjoying life sometimes; you should be suffering sometimes. Be resilient and ambitious.父母如果在多伦多工作居住,在多伦多当地就有很多照顾和托管孩子的地方啊。点击展开...您说得对。但是也有一些父母都不在身边的小孩,而且这些小孩偏爱呆在小镇。我已经接待过一些小孩,所以觉得还是可以打下广告。
As you are enjoying life sometimes; you should be suffering sometimes. Be resilient and ambitious. 超赞 赏 Mtler81 0$(VIP 0) 1,7812012-07-13#13 回复: Jane的爱心Homestay:接收来自多伦多和邻近城市的小孩子你的muffin加了绿色色素?给孩子吃的,最好别加任何色素。
回复: Jane的爱心Homestay:接收来自多伦多和邻近城市的小孩子你的muffin加了绿色色素?给孩子吃的,最好别加任何色素。点击展开...谢啦。我会小心的。
As you are enjoying life sometimes; you should be suffering sometimes. Be resilient and ambitious. 超赞 赏 athena56 0$(VIP 0) 1052012-07-14#15 回复: Jane的爱心Homestay:接收来自多伦多和邻近城市的小孩子upupup
As you are enjoying life sometimes; you should be suffering sometimes. Be resilient and ambitious. 超赞 赏 athena56 0$(VIP 0) 1052012-07-15#16 回复: Jane的爱心Homestay:接收来自多伦多和邻近城市的小孩子upupupup
As you are enjoying life sometimes; you should be suffering sometimes. Be resilient and ambitious. 超赞 赏 athena56 0$(VIP 0) 1052012-07-15#17 回复: Jane的爱心Homestay:接收来自多伦多和邻近城市的小孩子upupup
As you are enjoying life sometimes; you should be suffering sometimes. Be resilient and ambitious. 超赞 赏 athena56 0$(VIP 0) 1052012-07-16#18 回复: Jane的爱心Homestay:接收来自多伦多和邻近城市的小孩子Upupupup
As you are enjoying life sometimes; you should be suffering sometimes. Be resilient and ambitious. 超赞 赏 athena56 0$(VIP 0) 1052012-07-17#19 回复: Jane的爱心Homestay:接收来自多伦多和邻近城市的小孩子upupup
As you are enjoying life sometimes; you should be suffering sometimes. Be resilient and ambitious. 超赞 赏 athena56 0$(VIP 0) 1052012-07-17#20 回复: Jane的爱心Homestay:接收来自多伦多和邻近城市的小孩子Upupup
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