加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科天然虾青素 Astaxanthin- 迄今为止人类发现自然界最强的抗氧化剂


其清除自由基的能力是:天然VE的1000倍天然 β - 胡萝卜素的10倍葡萄籽的17倍黄体素的200倍OPC的150倍Q10的60倍茶多酚的200硫辛酸的75倍番茄红素的7倍 它是从河鳌虾外壳,牡蛎和鲑鱼中发现的一种红色类胡萝卜素。自然界虾青素是由藻类、细菌和浮游植物产生的。虾青素被公认为第四代的抗氧化素,是目前为止自然界发现的最强抗氧化剂,抗氧化活性要远远高于维生素E、葡萄籽、番茄红素等产品。虾青素是唯一具有跨膜作用的抗氧化剂。To learn more, email: [email protected] Primary Benefits of Prime™ Astaxanthin Cardio & Visual Vitality Formula*:Supports cardiovascular healthHelps maintain normal cholesterol levels by helping to maintain normal serum triglycerides and HDL cholesterol levelsPromotes healthy blood flow to and from the heart, supporting the body’s delivery of nutrients and removal of wastesHelps maintain normal blood pressureProtects LDL (bad cholesterol) from oxidative stress, which promotes healthy arteriesPromotes healthy vision Helps to prevent oxidative stress in the eye Helps reduce the occurrence of occasional eye fatigue and eye strain associated with visual electronicsSupports healthy blood flow in the eye, promoting nourishment for the eye and helping to maintain proper eye function Supports healthy visual focusProvides powerful antioxidant defensePromotes healthy skin by improving skin moisture and helping to maintain skin elasticitySupports muscle endurance and muscle performance by protecting the skeletal muscle from oxidative stress generated by physical activityTo learn more, email: [email protected] What Makes Prime™ Astaxanthin Cardio & Visual Vitality Formula Unique?Prime Astaxanthin Cardio & Visual Vitality Formula uses AstaReal® astaxanthin. With high quality and stability, AstaReal® astaxanthin ranks among the purest and most powerful antioxidants available. AstaReal® uses precision cultivation techniques in state-of the-art facilities, producing only 100 percent natural astaxanthin in a purified, sterile environment.*Prime Astaxanthin Cardio & Visual Vitality Formula delivers a 6 mg serving of this high-grade astaxanthin in a single serving, providing the optimal amount in every pill. This makes Prime Astaxanthin a giant step forward in the longevity revolution through its unequaled ability to combat free radicals at the cellular level.*The power of Prime Astaxanthin to fight free radicals is of critical importance, but it must also be delivered to the body in sufficient amounts to be truly effective. Typical astaxanthin formulations contain only 2-4 mg per serving ― an amount which falls short in delivering all possible benefits for the heart, eyes, skin and muscles. Prime Astaxanthin Cardio & Visual Vitality Formula is made exclusively in a 6 mg serving, which is superior for promoting optimal cardiovascular function, supporting healthy vision and skin, blood flow and muscular endurance.* Together, the quantity and the quality delivered by Prime Astaxanthin yields anti-aging benefits second to none.Daily exposure to free radicals ― contained within the air we breathe and the food we eat ― results in ongoing, long-term physical stress. The widespread oxidative stress they cause to all systems of the body is also believed to be a primary contributor to what we call the aging process. Prime Astaxanthin works against free radicals by providing powerful antioxidant defense to help protect the entire body on a cellular level. To learn more about Astaxanthin, email: [email protected] BenefitsIngredientsScienceFAQ

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