加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科旅游及户外 - 转让墨西哥坎昆六天五夜游饮食住宿设施全包套票
本人因工作行程变更不能去,现特价转让一张墨西哥坎昆六天五夜旅游套票。本套票可包含两个成人和两个12岁以下的小孩,可以选择OCEAN SPA HOTEL或是Laguna suites golf and spa,六天五夜饮食住宿设施全包,是家庭旅游或夫妻蜜月的首选。如果是在淡季去还多加免费的一晚。有效期到2013年3月2号到手价格为900刀,现750刀卖出,有意者请电联详谈778 882 5399 郭小姐It is 6 day and 5 nights All Inclusive Cancun vacation package, valid for travel by two adults and two children, ages 12 or under, treats you to delicious all you can eat breakfast,lunch,snacks,and dinner as well as unlimited beverages and alcohol,plus comfortable accommodations and unparalleled service. you will be staying in one of these two beautiful resorts, Ocean Spa Hotel or Laguna Suites Golf and Spa.you will be picked up from the airport and provided with safe and reliable transportation to you resort. As an added bonus, you are also entitled to a Florida EP Vacation Package Bonus which includes 5 days&4 nights in Orlando, Florida. and it expired at March 2, 2013,
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