加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科妈妈跪求帮助,非常感谢!!!
回复: 妈妈跪求帮助,非常感谢!!!小学随时可以登记,不用紧张,看你家的住址属于什么学校,然后去所在区教育局给孩子登记评估。教育局会把孩子分派到所属学校。如果你无法确定带什么文件,可以去学校,她们会给你教育局评估地址及联系电话。如果你从中国过来,要带上孩子的免疫证明。上小学不难,不用紧张,即便过了学期也不影响。
回复: 妈妈跪求帮助,非常感谢!!!按照你的邮编,你是地址是皮尔Peel教育局,它的教育局网站可以查所属学校 http://www.peelschools.org/schools/findyourschool/Pages/default.aspx 考虑你在国内可能上不了这个网,我把学校名字给你 Barondale PS K1 - Gr.5 200 Barondale Drive, Mississauga, L4Z3N7, Phone:905-502-1880 Bristol Road Middle Gr.6 - Gr.8 210 Bristol Road East, Mississauga, L4Z3V5, Phone:905-755-9809 Applewood Heights SS Gr.9 - Gr.12945 Bloor St. E, Mississauga, L4Y2M8, Phone:905-279-6090
回复: 妈妈跪求帮助,非常感谢!!! http://www.peelschools.org/newtopeel/register/Pages/default.aspx How to Register Here’s what you need to know about registering your child for school Where to registerIf your family is new to Canada, your child may need an orientation interview to register for school. To assist you with registration, we offer three Welcome Centres. Please call 905-366-8791 to talk to our staff and book your appointment. There is no fee for registration. Documents to bring to registration Proof of child's ageCanadian birth certificateCanadian passportcitizenship card/certificatePermanent Resident CardRecord of Landing confirmation of permanent residencework permitrefugee permit Proof of addresspurchase agreementutility billbank statement/client slip (directly from financial institution)credit card statementfederal government forms (e.g. Social Insurance Number, Service Canada documents)Ontario driver's licenceProof of custody– children must live with their parent(s) unless provided documentation supports an alternate living arrangement Proof of immunization– proof that your child has been immunized/vaccinated Missing documents? If you are missing some documents, you can still visit the We Welcome the World Centres, and our staff will help you with all registration requirements. Your child’s first day of school Once the orientation interview is complete, you will get an appointment card with the date your child can start school. Please bring this card with you on your child’s first day, so that he or she can receive a new school schedule to complete the registration process.
回复: 妈妈跪求帮助,非常感谢!!!真心感谢回复的朋友们,Bristol这个学校排名咋样呀?我倒不是非让孩子上前几名的学校,但是真也不想学校是倒数第几的那么差,怎么看学校排名呢??不好意思,又麻烦朋友了啊
回复: 妈妈跪求帮助,非常感谢!!!小学排名真不重要,也没有什么意义。在家附近,方便接送,就很好了
回复: 妈妈跪求帮助,非常感谢!!!真心感谢回复的朋友们,Bristol这个学校排名咋样呀?我倒不是非让孩子上前几名的学校,但是真也不想学校是倒数第几的那么差,怎么看学校排名呢??不好意思,又麻烦朋友了啊点击展开...你可以从这个网站上看看排名,供参考。http://ontario.compareschoolrankings.org/SchoolsByRankLocationName.aspx?schooltype=elementary
回复: 妈妈跪求帮助,非常感谢!!!小学排名真不重要,也没有什么意义。在家附近,方便接送,就很好了点击展开...谢谢开导
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