加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科水晶器皿知识求解!
minerva 说:今天逛街,看到一玻璃制品就心痒。标签上注明,24%PbO。问店员,说不知道。回来查了,是水晶器皿含24%的铅氧。本来是准备拿来放食物的,现在先放花。网上查,水晶制品都含这个,1%~30%不等。想问问我能用它放食物吗?比如水果沙拉什么的?点击展开...我认为可以,跟玻璃碗差不多。
eleclan 说:千万别点击展开...嗯,就只能当摆设了!不过水晶玻璃酒杯都能拿来喝酒。
eleclan 说:Lead glass - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.orgSafetyThe California Department of Public Health lead advisory states, "children should never eat or drink out of leaded crystalware".[16] Leaded crystal wineglasses and decanters are generally not considered to pose a significant health risk, provided that these items are washed thoroughly before use, that beverages are not stored in these containers for more than a few hours, and provided that they are not used by children.[17][verification needed][18]It has been proposed that the historic association of gout with the upper classes in Europe and America was, in part, caused by their extensive use of lead crystal decanters to store fortified wines and whisky.[19] Lin et al. have statistical evidence linking gout to lead poisoning.[20]点击展开...学习了,谢谢!拿来储存食物不行。
eleclan 说:Lead glass - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.orgSafetyThe California Department of Public Health lead advisory states, "children should never eat or drink out of leaded crystalware".[16] Leaded crystal wineglasses and decanters are generally not considered to pose a significant health risk, provided that these items are washed thoroughly before use, that beverages are not stored in these containers for more than a few hours, and provided that they are not used by children.[17][verification needed][18]It has been proposed that the historic association of gout with the upper classes in Europe and America was, in part, caused by their extensive use of lead crystal decanters to store fortified wines and whisky.[19] Lin et al. have statistical evidence linking gout to lead poisoning.[20]点击展开...还好楼主知道这个Pb是什么!
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