加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科Roomate 西人,party扰民,市长说找法院
今天合租西人开Party,噪音太大影响睡觉,打电话叫警察来了,警察基本不管,party 继续,凌晨写邮件问市长,早上市长回复说,不归警察管,找法院,他说的对吗?市长答复如下,Good Morning,Sorry to hear about the disturbance. If you co-rent or co-own the residence with your roommate you may wish to seek some legal advice but on the face of it this appears to be a civil matter between the two of you and not an issue for the RCMP. I am not surprised they took no action given you are one of the residents there. There is a free service called the Lawyer Referral Service 1-800-663-1919 you should try and access.Best, Mayor Leonard City of Nanaimo455 Wallace StreetNanaimo, BC V9S 5J6Phone: 250-755-4400 | Email:
Tigerlion 说:今天合租西人开Party,噪音太大影响睡觉,打电话叫警察来了,警察基本不管,party 继续,凌晨写邮件问市长,早上市长回复说,不归警察管,找法院,他说的对吗?市长答复如下,Good Morning,Sorry to hear about the disturbance. If you co-rent or co-own the residence with your roommate you may wish to seek some legal advice but on the face of it this appears to be a civil matter between the two of you and not an issue for the RCMP. I am not surprised they took no action given you are one of the residents there. There is a free service called the Lawyer Referral Service 1-800-663-1919 you should try and access.Best, Mayor LeonardCity of Nanaimo455 Wallace StreetNanaimo, BC V9S 5J6Phone: 250-755-4400 | Email:点击展开...这叫找律师吧,还没到法院呢
Tigerlion 说:今天合租西人开Party,噪音太大影响睡觉,打电话叫警察来了,警察基本不管,party 继续,凌晨写邮件问市长,早上市长回复说,不归警察管,找法院,他说的对吗?市长答复如下,Good Morning,Sorry to hear about the disturbance. If you co-rent or co-own the residence with your roommate you may wish to seek some legal advice but on the face of it this appears to be a civil matter between the two of you and not an issue for the RCMP. I am not surprised they took no action given you are one of the residents there. There is a free service called the Lawyer Referral Service 1-800-663-1919 you should try and access.Best, Mayor LeonardCity of Nanaimo455 Wallace StreetNanaimo, BC V9S 5J6Phone: 250-755-4400 | Email:点击展开...主要原因是在于合租一处所以警察没管如果是跟别的独立房屋或公寓估计会管
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