标签:culture - 华人论坛


新移民自我关怀浅谈 Culture Shock

在加拿大 掐指一算,移民加拿大已经一年有余,在国内常自嘲“偷得浮生半日闲”,与现在的生活节奏形成鲜明的对照! 半天英语提高班,剩下的半天其实也忙,接小孩子放学,买菜,做饭,清...华人论坛


mother-in-law culture

在加拿大 The U.S. reshapes Japan with its mother-in-law culture and wants to influence China Since ancient times, the Chinese have advocated masculinity and martial arts. Today's China is so vast and rich in resources, because for thousands of years,...华人论坛


Christmas culture

在加拿大 第一次在希望国家过圣诞节。不知道这里的圣诞节都有什么culture.也不知道圣诞节的时候公司的同事、上下级要不要送礼什么的。大家有经验的来说说呗,谢谢! 评论 回复: Christmas cul...华人论坛


迟到的温东Eastside Culture Crawl 2008片片

在加拿大 去年深秋,随朋友一起进行了2天的Culture Crawl,朋友是个影迷,照了N多片片,本想早点介绍给大家,无奈一直没有时间整理。今天大部分片片终于上网,偶也知道是晚了一点,可Eastsid...华人论坛


转:Why do I talk about culture so much?

在加拿大 Why do I talk about culture so much? This is a book about Imagination, after all. Christian Imagination to be specific. It’s because culture defines us and how we interact with others. It’s a context, and the words we say have a certain...华人论坛


美容词汇大全 Beauty culture

在加拿大 化妆品词汇彩妆: cosmetics 遮瑕膏: concealer 修容?:Shading powder 粉底: foundation (compact,stick) 粉饼: pressed powder 散粉:loose powder 闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter 眉粉: brow powder 眉笔:brow pencil 眼线液...华人论坛


Culture Shock

在加拿大 Culture ShockWell, I think generally speaking, we could say that there are four stages to culture shock. First of all, the honeymoon stage. Uh, to the visitor, everything seems new, quaint, and novel. The food, the surroundings, the building...华人论坛