在加拿大 译题一:日前,联合国教科文组织正式批准成都加入该组织创意城市网络,并授予成都美食之都称号,标志着成都成为亚洲首个世界美食之都。成都因其拥有高度发达的美食行业、专业...华人论坛
在加拿大 译题一:日前,联合国教科文组织正式批准成都加入该组织创意城市网络,并授予成都美食之都称号,标志着成都成为亚洲首个世界美食之都。成都因其拥有高度发达的美食行业、专业...华人论坛
在加拿大 译题一:Why Men Have a Harder Time Making FriendsWhen men hit their 30s, many cling to their high school and college friends. And if these don't last, men have a hard time forming new friendships. I'm not talking about work-out partners...华人论坛
在加拿大 译题一:How to Deal with Difficult Relatives During the HolidaysFor many people, the holidays are a joyous time; for others, they're dreaded. One factor that can make them tough is spending time with difficult relatives.Wait, you might b...华人论坛
在加拿大 译题一:Europe's eight best night trains The midnight thump and clunk of railway carriages being uncoupled and shunted in a station somewhere in central Europe is not in itself romantic. But add in that this is the night train between Pa...华人论坛
在加拿大 译题一:成为职场公主 灰姑娘升迁修炼术 俗话说“男怕入错行,女怕嫁错郎”。不过,现在有很多女同胞对这句话很不满意。自己的人生规划就被性别来决定吗?在本月3日,2011年妇女...华人论坛
在加拿大 译题一:白领为提升软实力下血本 花数百上千元学几首歌和几个小魔术,在社交聚会中秀出来,给自己的职场形象加分。时下,一些白领花重金提升“软实力”,增加职场竞争的砝码。...华人论坛
在加拿大 译题一:Diary of a separation---A big effort to make it a happy birthday I like birthdays. I like fuss, a grand gesture. X can't understand the fuss. It's about upbringing, I think: his parents unceremoniously hand him something - not e...华人论坛
在加拿大 译题一:徐志摩的康桥 徐志摩在《吸烟与文化》中深情地写到: “我在康桥的日子可真是幸福,生怕这辈子再也得不到那样甜蜜的机会了。我不敢说康桥给了我多少学问或是教会了我什...华人论坛