加拿大华人论坛 德国工作Is it possible for me to find employment in Germany?
I have lived and worked in US for more than 20 years in financial industry. I wonder if someone like me could find employment opportunity in Germany, especially in Frankfurt. My goal is not to make money but seek opportunity to work and live in Germnay for a long term (1 year). I do not speak German, though. I only speak English and Chinese of course. I heard that some international companies in Germany use English internally but not sure its true. Is it possible?
Nothing is impossible. It depends.
more than 20 years in financial industry ?! you'd best 金盘洗手!!
Based on your profile, it is possible to find a position in Germany, under the condition that no high expectation is committed. You might find an opportunity as an Officer or Specialist, but not a position as the level of Manager, who has got real decision power.
There was a previous colleague of mine, who has sort of similar experience and qualification like you. She spent more than 20 years as a stock broker, had earned herself 2 townhouses in LA, 1 holiday house in Barbados. I didn't know what made her to decide to settle down in Germany. But the truth is that, she is right now in Berlin and working with an according-to-her-called "stable" job as an Treasury Officer, which pays rather poorly. But I guess she doesn't have to earn quite a lot any more.
it depends on e
It depends on what you do. Of cause you can find a job here if you are not very picky with respect to the position.
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