加拿大华人论坛 德国工作Good work for Chinese in Munich


Autel Intelligent is one of the world's leading manufacturers and suppliers of professional diagnostic tools, TPMS system products, equipments and accessories in the automotive aftermarket. Since our foundation, we have been committed to creating maximum long-term value to customers worldwide by providing quality-assured, easy-to-use, cost-effective and innovative products.
Autel Europe GmbH is the wholly-owned subsidiary of Autel Intelligent, located in Ismaning, Munich, Germany, with a high speed of development.

Job Description:
1.        Deal with billings, accounts payable and receivable.
2.        Deal with reimbursements, travel expenses, daily deposit, and bank reconciliation.
3.        Monthly declaration for transaction within European Union to Federal Statistical Office.
4.        Monthly financial statement, quarterly audit and annually financial statement report according to Germen and Chinese Accounting Standard.
5.        Complete other tasks assigned by supervisor.
6.        Communicate with headquarter in China for the financial works.
Job Requirement:
1.        Good MS office skills.
2.        Experience with SAP is preferred.
3.        Ablility to work independently and multi-task.
4.        Candidate should be fluent in Chinese, German, and English.
5.        More work experience and higher degree (bachelor, master) is preferred but not required.

We offer you a challenging and fruitful position in this expanding market. Have we drawn your interest? Then please send us your application to the following address:

Autel Europe GmbH
Adalperostraße 82,
85737 Ismaning,

Mobile: 0049 (0)1736556083

Email: [email protected]

For further company information please refer to the website:www.autel.com or https://www.autelrobotics.com/

“Max Hueber Verlag, Ismaning bei München”


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