Snowing in Vancouver. @ThePhotoHour @StormHour #Snow pic.twitter.com/En8yVngZ6t
— Mer Arancón (@ArancnMer) January 5, 2022
Woke up to snow again in Vancouver. At least I have this icebreaker relic circa 1985@CanadiansOrg pic.twitter.com/06uTLkevcl
— Leslie Hurtig (@LeslieHurtig) January 4, 2022
因为两天的降雪,让温哥华的多出路况再次瘫痪,这里是30多辆巴士趴窝在Granville Bridge上,导致数百人通勤延误数小时
Canadian winter is absolutely an indication for virtual care
— Eric Cadesky MD (@drcadesky) January 5, 2022
Snow, road conditions in Vancouver lead to hours-long bus delays - via @News1130 http://t.co/FGUSoaCZXW @pat_health @drmattchow @pomedli @IlanShahin
Friend shared this with me from earlier today. Several buses were stuck in the King Ed/Macdonald area in #Vancouver today due to snow. #bcstorm @CityNewsVAN pic.twitter.com/05vlAaG5hz
— Hana Mae Nassar (@HanaMaeNassar) January 5, 2022
网络一片抱怨:从 Commercial到 Cambie 夹Broadway 的竟然花了 1 小时 55 分钟。 巴士趴窝,迫使每个人下车并沿着结冰的人行道步行,人行道在最后一次降雪后仍未被铲除。
Door to door my trip from Commercial and First to Cambie and Broadway on transit today took one hour and 55 minutes. Spun out buses forcing everyone to get off and walk (if they are even able) along icy sidewalks that still haven't been shoveled after the last snowfall. pic.twitter.com/MB0RoYPiHv
— Lisa Steacy (@lisa_steacy) January 5, 2022
Very messy roads in Vancouver - saw many cars stuck on my way to work - a lot of drivers struggling to go uphill. Buses also dealing with long delays. @CityNewsVAN pic.twitter.com/zOTIFEwb4p
— Tarnjit Kaur Parmar (@Tarnjitkparmar) January 5, 2022
7:08- Current view of the #PortMann #BCHwy1 courtesy of @DriveBC . Traffic is a mess due to the weather plus the HOV lane is closed both ways due to winter maintenance. #SurreyBC #Coquitlam #1130Traffic @CityNewsVAN @kissradiohits @Country1071 pic.twitter.com/0EM47BFZkQ
— Ryan Lidemark🎙 (@RyanLmark) January 5, 2022
Crews are on site at an outage in #Ladner affecting 3,800 customers. Updates here: http://t.co/DJHuzkBglk pic.twitter.com/a0T96t64Jr
— BC Hydro (@bchydro) January 5, 2022
·生活百科 昆士兰州现有太阳能/电池的扩展
·生活百科 太阳能电池板产品保修