报道:昨天上午,渥太华警方封锁了渥太华市中心的里多中心(Rideau Centre),据目击者表示商场中出现了一名持枪男子。

警方当时在推特中证实警方正在进行行动,让民众避免Canal 和 Mackenzie King Bridge 之间的Dalhousie Street。而这个地点正是里多中心所在位置。
Due to an ongoing police operation, please avoid Dalhousie Street to the Canal and the Mackenzie King Bridge.
— Ottawa Police (@OttawaPolice) February 22, 2022
En raison d'une opération policière en cours, veuillez éviter la rue Dalhousie vers le canal et le pont Mackenzie King.
I was in the mall. I saw a guy with message board something “ truckers “ and other words and some Chinese characters. He was wearing jackets which with many words were written with black marker. I could see “ trucker” on his back.
— wakeupwith (@creepyworldwhy) February 22, 2022
Witnesses say there’s a man with a gun inside the Rideau Centre. Large police presence outside the mall. Officers with their guns drawn @ctvottawa pic.twitter.com/4xxRn4dLrx
— Matt Skube (@mattskubeCTV) February 22, 2022
Some Breaking Ottawa news: I went to the Rideau Centre Mall to grab lunch, we were just told to leave immediately, heavily armed Ottawa Police have arrived on scene. pic.twitter.com/RsXTugChRk
— Gord Miller (@GMillerTSN) February 22, 2022
One person is in custody, the police operation in ongoing.
— Ottawa Police (@OttawaPolice) February 22, 2022
Une personne arrêtée, l'opération policière continue. http://t.co/HU4MgjcuKn
目前,警方表示一名来自渥太华的 50 岁男子昨天中午左右在一家商店入店行窃,然后在遇到商场保安时挥舞着一把枪。

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