
大溫地區一票獨中昨晚開出的1878 萬加幣的Lotto 6/49頭獎
We've got ANOTHER BC winner! A ticket purchased in #Surrey won the $18,784,770 jackpot in the Lotto 6/49 draw on April 6, 2022. Check your tickets! http://t.co/2sFsoo1dcn Anyone can win, #YouCouldBeNext 19+ pic.twitter.com/QFZGp88aZ6
— BCLC (@BCLC) April 7, 2022
素裡售出一張彩票匹配 4 月 6 日星期三樂透 6/49 開出的頭獎號碼:2、8、9、16、39 和 49 六個中獎號碼,贏得了1870萬頭獎。

昨晚的大獎並不是BC省唯一的大獎,彭蒂克頓一張彩票贏得了 100 萬,蘭裡一張彩票也贏得了超過 58,000 加元的獎金。
這是過去五周內,大溫地區第三次中了樂透 6/49的頭獎 。
3 月 9 日,約翰和特拉維斯邦納贏得了頭獎800 萬元。
Join us for Lotto BC's Facebook Live event at approximately 1:30 pm to meet B.C's $8 Million Lotto 6/49 Jackpot Winners! http://t.co/kWh0Bcfpam Anyone can win, #YouCouldBeNext 19+ pic.twitter.com/1KYmUx7ovp
— BCLC (@BCLC) March 15, 2022
3 月 16 日,大溫華裔夫婦Chau Ming Leung 和丈夫 Yiu Fai Leung 中了600 萬元的頭獎 。
The Leungs have been playing the same Lotto 6/49 numbers for 36 years – inspired by their family members’ birthdays. On March 16th, 2022, those numbers won them the $6 million Lotto 6/49 jackpot! http://t.co/IAG9j1PfkN
— BCLC (@BCLC) March 22, 2022
Anyone can win, #YouCouldBeNext 19+
所有彩票中獎者都有52 周的時間領取獎金。
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