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Clean stainless steel sinks.... here's an easy fix!If your kitchen sink is a bit dingy, then make it look just like new with eco-friendly materials you already have in your kitchen. And there's no scrubbing involved with this quick clean that basically costs nothing to make. Safely buff your way to a fresh and sparkling basin that will stay that way for weeks.What You'll Need:SpongeBaking sodaVinegarLemon or orange peelOlive oilPaper towelDirections:Give your sink a quick wash and rinse, removing all dishes and any food bits from the drain. Then sprinkle the entire sink with baking soda and use a soft sponge, working in a circular movement, to scrub the basin. Baking soda softly cleans without scratching stainless steel.Rinse the sink with vinegar, which will bubble and fizz. Vinegar naturally disinfects while helping remove hard water stains from your stainless steel sink. Then lightly rub with the sponge and rinse the sink with water. You can also drop a garbage disposal refreshing bomb down the drain to keep the entire sink smelling fresh.Put lemon or orange peel to good use, and rub the entire sink basin with a section of peel, rubbing the skin against the stainless steel, which helps deodorize the sink while helping the basin keep its new shine.Finish by buffing with a paper towel and a touch of olive oil. Your sink will stay wonderfully shiny for several weeks before needing a refresher.

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