加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息A question about Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP)


在 Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP)申请需要提供的document中,有一项: Alberta residency (** Must show name and current Alberta address, which must be the same as on the application.) - Current Alberta driver's licence - Current Alberta registries ID Card - Current utility bills for an Alberta residence刚到达爱城的新移民不可能有以上的document,是否意味着刚到的头几天无法申办AHCIP, 从而无法享受免费医疗?

回复: A question about Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP)http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers/after-health.aspWhen you apply for your health insurance card you will need to show some identification, such as your birth certificate or passport, or your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292). You can also show your Permanent Resident Card.

欢迎入住小熊之家[email protected]://www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers/after-health.asp When you apply for your health insurance card you will need to show some identification, such as your birth certificate or passport, or your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292). You can also show your Permanent Resident Card.点击展开... But this is a general one in Canada. Each province has its special requirment. Alberta asks the applicant to provide the information that can prove you live in Alberta. The detail is just as what I wrote in my first post. Therefore, I wonder how the new comer apply the insurance card before he gets required document.

回复: A question about Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP)学习啦,路过就顶。

回复: A question about Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP)But this is a general one in Canada. Each province has its special requirment. Alberta asks the applicant to provide the information that can prove you live in Alberta. The detail is just as what I wrote in my first post. Therefore, I wonder how the new comer apply the insurance card before he gets required document.点击展开...I got my health care plan without anything you mentioned, just landing paper + passport.If you insist, it's quite easy to get Alberta registries ID Card from here: http://alberta.ca/home/NewsFrame.cf...22016D741CD3E-BFB9-994B-C57194F10798AEF1.html

欢迎入住小熊之家[email protected]在 Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP)申请需要提供的document中,有一项: Alberta residency (** Must show name and current Alberta address, which must be the same as on the application.) - Current Alberta driver's licence - Current Alberta registries ID Card - Current utility bills for an Alberta residence刚到达爱城的新移民不可能有以上的document,是否意味着刚到的头几天无法申办AHCIP, 从而无法享受免费医疗?点击展开...您的理解不够完整。这一条规定的意思是,你必须提供证件证明你在阿省居住,这类证件必须要有你的地址和名字等--和申请表格上所填内容相符。上面列的几个证件,都是比较流行的一些东东,只是给你举个例子而已,你没有它们,可以用其他证件:护照+移民纸 --》这个没有地址,但是可以证明你是新登陆的移民,可以合理解释你没有驾照的原因。 因此,要配合带有地址的证明文件一起使用,例如:电费或电话费帐单,公寓租用合同,开户银行开户时给你的文件等,总而言之就是有第三方和你之间发生关系后的那张证明你有居住在阿省的地址的纸就行。有枫叶卡的,最好。但是枫叶卡也是没有地址在上头的,所以你还是要去找那张有地址的纸。电话开户、银行开户时,他们都要和你签合同的,合同上都会要求写上你的地址(要么怎末给你寄帐单),实在不行,租房的合同复印一份带过去就行了。

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