加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息参加学生运动了


为了抗议涨学费,搞运动了! 学校里某个社团给我们发邮件让罢课了。

To the students of FASA,

This Wednesday at our Special General Meeting (SGM) FASA voted to go on a three-day strike. On January 31st, February 1st and February 2nd Fine Arts students will be hard picketing all scheduled classes. The vote to strike signifies a united student body against tuition hikes and for free education.

The history of student strikes in Quebec is one of empowerment through the self-identification of student as young intellectual worker. The democratic act of protest is a powerful mobilization action for students to take in the fight for their education.

This three-day strike is in solidarity with the School of Community and Public Affairs (SCPASA), Urban Planning (UPA), the Geography department (GUSS), Multidisciplinary Scientific Studies (SCSA), and Geography graduate students.

There are more departments expected to join the strike in the coming week.

FASAMOB (FASA Mobilization Committee) is incredibly proud of the student body’s participation in direct democracy. The students who participated in the voting process nearly unanimously chose to strike.

The motion brought forth at the SGM ratified FASAMOB as the organizing body of mobilization efforts and mandated the FASA executive to organize against the proposed tuition hikes and aid in mobilization efforts alongside FASAMOB.

The fight is far from over. Please consider joining in strike efforts by signing up to picket classrooms during the days of the strike (January 31st to February 2nd). The faculty of Fine Arts has many classes spread across many buildings and the power of collective action is found in the number of activists that stand up and fight.

Please find attached below a google form to register for picketing.


ImageFASA Strike Picketing Volunteer Form
Thank you for your interest in helping FASA picket classes from January 31st-February 2nd! Please leave us your contact info as well as when you are available to picket classes
docs.google.comAs always if you are interested in joining in mobilization efforts FASAMOB would be excited to have you.

Please reach out to [email protected]

With solidarity,


  ·生活百科 桑登热泵经常呼喊
·生活百科 哪个热泵HWS



华人网为了抗议涨学费,搞运动了! 学校里某个社团给我们发邮件让罢课了。 To the students of FASA, This Wednesday at our Special General Meeting (SGM) FASA voted to go on a three-day strike. On January 31st, February 1st a ...



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