We advise we have received the attached message from the issuing bank this is a correction which should be attached to and form an integral part of the above documentary creditAll other terms and conditions remain unchanged we accept no liability for any errors omission or delays in the transmission of the message
see attached
any queries please dial our below customer services hot line 800 for overseas clients and mobile phone users
this is a computer generated advice no signature is required
帮看下 开完信用证了 又发过来了,这个这什么意思啊,急 谢谢
ransaction reference number:00
related reference
attn. l/c dept
re our mt 700 dd 06 apr 2012 for usd1000re our mt 707 dd 19 apr 2012
we request yourselves to informe us whether A/M amendment has been accepted by the beneficiary or not
[ 本帖最后由 yayami 于 2012-5-8 10:27 编辑 ]
信用证修改通知,具体内容见附件, 其他都是银行的P话
呵呵 谢谢大家 已经明白了 ,是银行让我给我他们个指令说明我已经接受了这个信用证的修改 。谢谢大家
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