近期接了一个信用证,上面的条款46A其中有一条我不是太理解,在此希望得到大家的解答Certificate issued by the shipping company or their agents confirming that the carrying vessel is seaworthy, not exceeding 20 years of operating age, fully classified regular liner as per lloyds 100 A1 or equivalent and member of first class P and I club and further declaring that the carrying vessel complies with the international safety management(I.S.M) code and have on board valid document of compliance, safety management certificate, international ship security certificate(ISSC).
由船公司或他们的代理人证实承运船只适航颁发的证书,不超过经营年龄20岁,按照劳埃德分级为100 AI或者类似级别的班轮,P&I俱乐部(船东保赔协会)的成员证明载货船只符合国际安全管理(ISM)的法规,船上附有有效证明文件,安全管理证书,国际船舶安全证书(ISSC)。
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·生活百科 太阳电荷控制器上的气流方向
·生活百科 布里斯班新构建所需的V2H / V2G帮助