谁有incoterms 2010,有请发我一份,最好中英文都有,只有英文的也可以。谢谢!我的邮箱是[email protected]评论
Changes in INCOTERMS 2010
Starting in 2011, the following standard delivery terms will be used:
EXW Ex Works All types of transportation
FCA Free Carrier All types of transportation
CPT Carriage Paid To All types of transportation
CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid All types of transportation
DAT (new delivery term) Delivered At Terminal All types of transportation
DAP (new delivery term) Delivered At Place All types of transportation
DDP Delivered Duty Paid All types of transportation
FAS Free Alongside Ship Water transport
FOB Free On Board Water transport
CFR Cost and Freight Water transport
CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight Water transport
Compared to the current practice, the following standard terms will no longer exist: DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid);
DAF (Delivered At Frontier); DES (Delivered Ex Ship); DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay). If business partners wish to continue
using them, they should not refer to the effective INCOTERMS 2010.
我也想要。 谁有的话请赐一份给我啊, 无比感谢
我邮箱: [email protected]
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