Goods must be shipped in container(s) on FCL or LCL basis andBill (s) of Lading must evidence whether shipment has been
effected on FCL or LCL basis. Bill(s) of Lading must indicate the
container (including its related prefix to identify the
ownership) and the seal numbers.
In case of shipment on FCL basis, Bill(s) of Lading must also
evidence that FCL container handling charges, THC/PHC and
shipping agent's D/O charges payable at the port of destination
are prepaid.
In case of shipment on LCL basis, Bill(s) of Lading must also
evidence that LCL container handling charges, THC/PHC and
shipping agent's D/O charges payable at the port of destination
are prepaid.
A Certificate to that effect issued by the carrier or master or
their agents stating that the instructions given hereinabove are
also mentioned in the manifest, should accompany the documents
这里是不是没有特别规定走整柜还是拼箱,就是如果是走拼箱,提单上是不是显示LCL container handling charges, THC/PHC and
shipping agent's D/O charges payable at the port of destination
are prepaid.
同时给予证明 WE HEREBY STATE THAT the instructions given hereinabove are
also mentioned in the manifest 单据随附上 是不是这样
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