请大家帮忙看下,需要特别注意点什么,对单据是否还有特殊要求,谢谢!6.whether the first beneficairy has requested to substitute their own drafts and documents for those to be presented by the second beneficiary/ies.
7.if documents are presented for negotiation/payment 15 days after the expiration of the l/c,this will be subject to a post expiration charge of usd75.00 each a usd85.00 fee will be deducted
from each presentation of discrepant documents under this documentary credit.this charge shall be for the account of beneficiary.
9.unless otherwise stipulated in this credit,the date of cargoes received by the forwarder will be considered as the shipment date in case this credit calls for presentation of forwarder cargo
receipt the amount of each drawing must be endorsed on the reverse of this credit by the bank which presents documents to us. we hereby engage with drawers and/or bona fide holders that
drafts drawn and negotiated in conformity the terms of this credit will be honored with the terms thereof. the number and date of the credit and name of the bank must be quoted on all
drafts required.
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