+national westminster bank plc (the bank) undertakes no obligation to make any payment under,or otherwise to implement or
process the instrument if thers is any involvement by or nexus with a sanctioned entity ,whether directly or indirectly
(including (without limitation) where the issuing bank of an instrument which the bank has confirmed, or the bank on whose behalf
the bank has issued the instrument , is a sanctioned entity). neither the instrument nor its proceeds can be transferred,assigned , novated or encumbered to a sanctioned entity without the prior written consent of the bank. this clause applies irrespective of whether any rules or other terms incorporated into the instrument by reference or practice may provide otherwise and, in the event of any
inconsistency, the provisions of this clause shall prevail.
'sanctioned entity' means, in each case ,whether now or subsequently:
(1)cuba,sudan,iran,myanmar,north korea or any other country that is subject to a sanctions regime,or
(2)any government or person (natural, corporate or governmental) who (a) is designated as a sanctions target by,or (b) whether or
not designated , who is otherwise a subject of sanctions laws or regulations issued by ,the usa ,eu ,un, uk or any other jurisdiction,or
(3)any person ( natural ,corporate or govermental )owned or controlled by or acting for or on behalf of (a) any person referred to in
paragraphs (1) or (2) above , or (b) any governmental agency or state-owned or controlled entity of a country referred to in paragraph (1) above.
'the instrument'means,where the context so requires,the instrument:
1) in which the clause appears,or
2)to which this advice or confirmation relates,or
3)to which this transfer,assignment or novatiion requires .
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