现有斯里兰卡开来的信用证,其中有如下的内容,我们是受益人,请问这些条款我还用管它们吗?尤其是最后一条,好像是专门给受益人的。Message from wells fargo bank, N.A. To second advising bank:
+unless or otherwise stipulated,wells fargo bank, N.A. Transmits and advises this credit in mt710 without modificaiton on the original mt700
+we reserve the right to refuse to become to become a party to any transaction that may violate such U.S. Sanctions,and act in accordance with the guidelines of such sanctions
+all inquiries regarding this credit should be directed to wells fargo bank, N.A.shangai branch trade operations at tel:******
+pls remit cny324.00 being wells fargo bank,N.A.'s charges by T/T to agricultural bank of china, pudong branch for credit of wells fargo bank ,N.A.shanghai A/C NO.******* under 2nd advising bank's advice to wells fargo bank N.A.quoting our refernce EA312117 if the beneficiary prefers to pay in u please remit by T/T for USD*** to wells fafgo bank , N.A. New york for credit of wells fargo bank,N.A. Shanghai account NO.***** with them quoting our reference ea312117
+ to the beneficiary : wells fargo bank,N.A.shanghai vranch cannot pay the beneficiary through their (the beneficiary offshore account or overseas account. Wells fargo bank, N.A. Cannot pay either if the documents are presented by an pverseas bank.wells fargo bank,N.A. Can however pay to the beneficiary's onshore account.)
PS:好像有不少拼写错误---shanghai vranch / an pverseas bank
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