1. certificate from shipping company,carrier,master or their quthorised agent stating the approximate date of arrival of vessel at port of destination and name of carrying vessel.2.Note:shipping company,carrier master or their authorised agent are authorese to issue one certificate containing all above certificate
3.insurance covered by the applicant.details of shipment and value of documents along with copy of non negotiable shipping documnetmust be advised by beneficiary within four working days after shipmnet diredtly to the applicant and detail of shipment and value of documents to new jubilee insurance limited.1-cap anwar ul haq shaheed road,old mongamery road,lahore pakistan by courier refering to their open policy no>******copies of such advices including original courier receipt must accompany the original shipping documents.
4.in case of FCL CARGO THEN:
"beneficiary 's certificate required as per the following format we certify having made arrangements with the carrier to place a copy of invoice and packing list at the inner side of the door of each container carrying detials of goods inside it"
in case of consolidated or lcl cargo then:
"beneficiary's certificate required as per the following format we ceritficate having made arrangements with the carrier to attach the invoice and packing list with goods/packages at an obvious place and have a consolidated packing list pertaining to goods inside the container placed inner side of the door of each container"
1. certificate from shipping company,carrier,master or their quthorised agent stating the approximate date of arrival of vessel at port of destination and name of carrying vessel.福
2. Note:shipping company,carrier master or their authorised agent are authorese to issue one certificate containing all above certificate
3. insurance covered by the applicant.details of shipment and value of documents along with copy of non negotiable shipping document must be advised by beneficiary within four working days after shipmnet diredtly to the applicant and detail of shipment and value of documents to new jubilee insurance limited.1-cap anwar ul haq shaheed road,old mongamery road,lahore pakistan by courier refering to their open policy no>******copies of such advices including original courier receipt must accompany the original shipping documents.
由开证申请人投保,装船细节和单据的总价随不可议付的装运单据由受益人在装船后的四个工作日内直接通知开证申请人,装船细节和单据的总价快递给new jubilee insurance limited,涉及他们的保险单号NO…,这份通知的复本包括原快递收据随正本装运单据一起提交
4. in case of FCL CARGO THEN:
"beneficiary 's certificate required as per the following format we certify having made arrangements with the carrier to place a copy of invoice and packing list at the inner side of the door of each container carrying detials of goods inside it"
受益人的证明要求按照下面的格式,we certify having made arrangements with the carrier to place a copy of invoice and packing list at the inner side of the door of each container carrying detials of goods inside it"
5 in case of consolidated or lcl cargo then "beneficiary's certificate required as per the following format we ceritficate having made arrangements with the carrier to attach the invoice and packing list with goods/packages at an obvious place and have a consolidated packing list pertaining to goods inside the container placed inner side of the door of each container";
we ceritficate having made arrangements with the carrier to attach the invoice and packing list with goods/packages at an obvious place and have a consolidated packing list pertaining to goods inside the container placed inner side of the door of each container";
:P 太谢谢了 正好需要
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