Payment Term(付款方式):1) 定金:买方在本合同签订后5日内向卖方支付定金____ ____。
2) 剩余货款:买方在本合同签订后7日内通过买卖双方一致确认的银行开立以卖方为受益人的不可撤销、不可转让即期信用证。
1. Down Payment:
The buyer shall make the down payment to the supplier within 5 days in the amount of USD (In Words: SAY US Dollar ONLY), after the signing of this contract.
2. Residual Payment
The buyer shall establish an irrevocable and untransferable L/C at sight in favor of the seller within 7 days after signing of this contract with an acceptable bank confirmed by both buyer and seller.
The buyer shall establish an irrevocable and untransferable L/C at sight in favor of the seller within 7 days after signing of this contract with an acceptable bank confirmed by both buyer and seller.
the buyer shall establish an irrevocable and untransferable L/C in favor of the seller with a bank confirmed by both buyer and seller, within 7 days after signing this contract.
首先,订金的话,用deposit,一般贸易里面貌似都是用的这个单词,你说的这个down payment我没见到 过诶(也可能是我见的太少的啦:lol ),然后余款的话,可以用balance就行了,confirmed是保兑的吧。。。不可撤销不可转让是irrevocable letter of credit
1,The buyer shall make the deposit to the supplier within 5 days after the signing of this contract.
这个down payment我也没见到 过诶,不是用deposit
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