45A Document required 需要文件A:commercial invoice in triplicate,issued and signed by beneficiary and containing the following clause: 3份盖章商业发票,符合以下的条款:
We hereby certify that this invoice is authentic,that it is the only invoice issued by us for the goods described herein,and thart it shows their exact value without deduction of any discount and that their origin is XXX 商业发票上要显示货物的描述和真实货值,和货物的原产地。问题1:3份发票只是盖章就可以啦,要不要签字,还是两者选其一还是两者同时要?
Two original copies must be issued by chamber of commerce 两份盖章原件复印件,问题2:同上
B:full set of on board marine bills of lading not blank back and not short form issued or indorsed to order of XXX 整套装运完的单证,不可以空白背书,要写上客户的名称。问题3:这样子是不是会失去我们的货权?如果是,要怎么样才可以减少风险?
C:certificated of origin issued by chamber of commerce triplicate 3份商检证明文件,问题4:这里chamber of commerce 是不是指商检局?那就是要商检还是其它单位,是不是也要加章公章?
D:packing list in triplicate
E:weight note in triplicate 问题5:重量说明?什么意思?是过磅称重的凭条吗?
F:certificate issued by the carrier/master or their agent Certifying that at time of loading the carrying vessel namedXX” is ism code certified and holds valid ism code document of compliance as required by solas convention 1974 as amended 要写上承运人或者其代理上船名和船号,格式如上,所有文件都要根据 solas convention 1974 修改版写上的。问题6:在那里写上这些呢,在那个文件写上呢,是以上的文件吗,还是只需要在提单上写上?
G:certificate issued by the carrier/master or their agent
Certifying that the carrying vessel named is XXX,
Authorities to call at XXX port during its voyage to destination
H:insurance policy/certificate in duplicate issued or endorsed to our order,certifying that the premium has been paid,coveriing that goods for at least 110 percentage of invoice value against the following risks,all risks instituted cargo clause a dated 1.1.09 including:war,shortage,srcc,breaking,fire for 60days in custom wardhouses at final destination and from warehouse 保险文件复印件或者背书,证明以下的额外费用已付,保险金额为最少110%货值金额,来保证以下的风险,包括战争,缺货SRCC,损坏,火灾等,以因上以问题导致客户的货在目前港海关到仓库,仓库到客户手上停留的保存和存放60天时间有效。问题8:一般目的港的货代只有7天的免费存储期的,那有可能60天呢,你们遇到过这样子的情况吗,怎么样解决的。已解决!
2.transport document indicating as the shipper of the goods a Party other than the beneficiary of the credit are not acceptable。运输文件不可以以货物的装运人或者第三方作为声明。问题9:前面客户已经讲要在提单和其它文件上全部用客户的名称来声明,现在更加明确不可以以承运人来声明,这样子我们的货权不是就不在我们手上了吗,这样子多大的风险,如果是这样子,你们又会怎么做呢?
3.All required document must be issued english language
4.Any alterration or correction on the document required herein must be signed by the same issued of the document,一份文件要修改,其它全部相应都要进行修改,问题10:是吗?
5.We reserve our right to reduct a flat fee of USD 125.00 from each set of discrepant documents 客户将会扣除每一个不符点的费用为$125/个?问题11:是一个不符点,还是不一套有不符合点的文件是$125,另外,这些费用是银行的指定吗?一定要$125或者可以少一点?
6.Our L/C number and our bank name “XXX” should be mentioned on all required documents
7.Transport documents showing cost addtional to freight charges are not acceptable 运输文件里不可以显示额外的运费。问题12:是吗?
Two original copies must be issued by chamber of commerce
两个正本必须由商会签发的,这里的商会(chamber of commerce),就是贸促会。
官网可查,代办各类双抬头产地证CO;FORM A,FORM E,FORM B,中韩证书,中澳证书,巴基斯坦FTA等
自贸区原产地证书,QQ: 527114412 :handshake 另办熏蒸消毒,发票证明书,使馆认证加签 :handshake
[ 本帖最后由 CIS1255 于 2016-1-28 22:57 编辑 ]
:) 应该是一个不符点收125usd,两个就是125*2了。
加拿大电商我的客户需要从非洲免关税国家进口一些商品,所谓的免关税是不是也不用交增值税。 如果要交增值税,增值税的税率是多少? 菜鸟向各位前辈请教了。 评论 关税与增值税是俩个税种 加拿大电商Hallo, bitte schicken Sie uns mehr info uber die QT8-15- Machine MfG Alfredo 评论 晕死 是德语 你去德语区问问吧 评论 要你关于QT8-15- 这个型号机器的信息 评论 跟你要关于QT8-15- 这个型号机器的资料信息
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